
Conversation Questions about Books

Published on January 16, 2022 | Updated on March 8, 2024

Reading books is a leisure activity that has been appreciated for a really long time and asking questions about them usually leads to interesting conversations among book lovers

It’s never been simpler to get our hands on books; we can order books on Amazon or we can download them and read them from our mobile devices

If you and your friends love to read, you would love to talk about books! Here are some questions about books that you and your friends will enjoy

Book Conversation Questions: Part I

These are some general questions about books.

  • What do you do with the books you have read?
  • Do you give books as presents?

These are general questions about your experiences with the books you have read

  • How many books have you read?
  • What kind of books have you read?
  • What application have you used to read books?
  • Have you ever used Google Playbooks?
  • Have you read a book with a friend?
  • Have you ever read a book and then watched the movie based on that book? Which was better?
  • What was the first book you read?
  • What do you think about books you have read as part of school assignments?
  • Have you ever listened to an audiobook?
  • What was the first book you bought?
  • Did someone read to you when you were a child?
  • Did your parents read to you when you were a child?
  • Have you read a book twice?
  • Have you ever given a book as a present?
  • What is the longest book you’ve ever read?
  • Has a book ever changed your life? If so, how?
  • What was the last book you read?

Book Conversation Questions Part II

These are some questions about your reading habits

  • Do you read many books?
  • How often do you read books?
  • Where do you usually get the books you read?
  • What’s your favorite part of the day to read books?
  • Where do you usually read books?
  • Do you read books before going to bed?

These are some questions to explore your opinions about books

  • What do you think about people who usually read books?
  • Do you think people don’t read enough books these days?
  • What do you think about audiobooks?
  • Can books change the lives of people who read them?
  • What do you think about book trilogies?
  • Do you think that the internet will eventually make books obsolete?
  • What factors are important to you when choosing a book to read?

Book Conversation Questions Part III

These are some general questions about your book preferences

  • What was the last book you read about?
  • Who’s your favorite author of all time?
  • Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction books?
  • Who’s your all-time favorite book character?
  • Who is an author that you like? Why do you like their books?
  • What genres do you love?
  • Are there any genres you dislike?
  • Do you prefer paperbacks or ebooks? Why?
  • Do you enjoy reading aloud?
  • What books do you usually recommend to others?

Lesson Ideas

Here are some lesson ideas for these book conversation questions:

Lesson Idea 1: “Book vs. Movie”

  • Begin by discussing the idea of books being adapted into movies and which format students prefer.
  • Show a movie trailer for a film adaptation of a popular book.
  • Divide the class into two groups, one in favor of books and the other in favor of movies.
  • Have a debate where each group presents arguments about whether the book or movie is better.
  • After the debate, ask students to write a short essay expressing their personal opinions on the topic.

Lesson Idea 2: “Reading Habits and Preferences”

  • Start with a class discussion about the importance of reading regularly.
  • Have students complete a reading habit survey, including questions like “How often do you read books?” and “Where do you usually read books?”
  • Discuss the survey results as a class, noting any common trends or differences.
  • Encourage students to set personal reading goals based on their reading habits and preferences.

Top 10 20th Century Novels

Have you read one of these novels?

More ESL Conversation Questions

I hope that you have found all the book conversation questions you were looking for

Consider checking these conversation questions before you go

If you have questions that you would like me to add to the list, message me on Facebook or Twitter

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English