
Movies Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom

Published on May 9, 2022 | Updated on March 28, 2024

English Conversations about Movies is one of the most interesting conversation topics because the conversation will never end since new movies are released every day.

You can also talk about classics such as The Exorcist, Psycho, Pet Cemetery, and many others.

Conversation Questions about movies seem like the right way to start since conversation questions maximize student talking time.

How to Use These Conversation Questions

Basically, all you have to do is print these questions and give one or two questions to your students.

You don’t have to read and answer every question to feel that you accomplish your goal.

Just ask one student to read the first question and then let the conversation move from there

Discussion Questions about Movies

These are some great discussion questions about movies.

They have been divided into 10-question sets to make it easy for you to go through the questions

Remember that students can make follow-up questions if there is genuine interest from a student to know more about the answer the classmate gave.

Questions about Movies: Part A

This is the first set of discussion questions about movies

  1. Who is your favorite actor /actress? Can you talk to me a little bit about his /her movies?
  2. What’s your favorite movie? What’s your favorite movie genre?
  3. Do you watch movies on Netflix? What do you think about some Netflix Originals?
  4. How often do you watch movies?
  5. What’s better for you? Going to the theaters or streaming a movie at home?
  6. When was the last time you went to the movie theaters?
  7. What do you think about movie applications such as Netflix or HBO Go?
  8. Do you usually watch movie in illegal sites?
  9. Do you think a  movie app subscription is better than a cable subscription?
  10. Have  you ever watched independent films.

Questions about Movies: Part B

This is the second set of discussion questions about movies

  1. What do you think about superhero movies?
  2. Which movies are better, DC or Marvel movies?
  3. Do you prefer to watch movies alone or with friends and family?
  4. In your opinion, what’s the scariest film ever?
  5. What’s the best comedy movie of all time?
  6. What’s the best horror film of all time?
  7. Do you watch award ceremonies such as the Oscar?
  8. Have you ever attended  to a Film Festival?
  9. What movie star would you like to meet?
  10. Have you ever watched a movie more than three times?

Questions about Movies: Part C

This is the third set of discussion questions about movies

  1. Have you ever watched the Exorcist?
  2. Have you ever watched any of the Tarantino Films?
  3. When was the last time you watched a movie? Tell a little about that film?
  4. Do you ever watch documentaries?
  5. Do you think that people are willing to pay for subscriptions?
  6. Have you ever cried during a film?
  7. Do you buy DVD’s or download movies?
  8. What kinds of films do you not like to watch?
  9. Do you prefer fiction or non-fiction films?
  10. What popular film do you think it is a complete waste of  time?

Questions about Movies: Part D

This is the fourth set of discussion questions about movies

  1. What do you think about Hollywood Films?
  2. What’s the most disturbing movie you have ever watched?
  3. Do you think there is too much violence in movies?
  4. Would you like to be an actor?  Why / Why not?
  5. What movie do you really hate? Why do you hate it?
  6. How much does it cost to see a movie in your country?
  7. Do you think that films can be educational?
  8. Who’s your favorite director?
  9. Can you give us three film recommendations?
  10. Which do you prefer to watch movies or to read books?

Have you watched any of these Movies?

These are some of my favorite movies, you can try using this list as a reference or create your own

Reservoir DogsMemento
The Dark NightEternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Taxi DriverThe Usual Suspects
Saving Private RyanThe Matrix
Fight ClubThe Shining
A Clockwork OrangeAmerican Beauty
GoodfellasSchindler’s List
Pulp FictionThe Shawshank Redemption
The GodfatherBack to the Future

English Conversations about Movies: Dialogue A

This is a short conversation in which two people are talking about a plan to go to the movies.

Person A:  Hey Derek, What’s up?
Person B:  Not much,I am going to the movies tonight
Person A:  What movie are you going to watch?
Person B:  I am going to watch the new Venom Movie
Person A:  Do you like comic book movies?
Person B:  I  have seen them all I love them.
Person A: “What time is good for you?”
Person B: “How about seven thirty.”
Person A: “Sure. I’ll meet you at the theater at seven.

English Conversations about Movies: Dialogue B

This is a short conversation in which two people are talking about a Netflix subscription and some poṕular shows you can watch there.

Person A:  Hi James
Person B:  H Laura
Person A:  Do you still have your Netflix Subscription?
Person B:  I still do, actually my brother is the one who pays for it.
Person A:  I want to watch the new season of Narcos
Person B:  so do you want me to give you my Netflix password?
Person A: Yes, I promise you that it will be only a day or two
Person B: Alright, Just let me know when you finish watching it.
Person A: Thanks 

More ESL Conversation Questions

I hope that you have found all the discussion questions about movies that you were looking for

Check these pages and sites before you leave:

  1. 25 Neighborhood Conversation Questions
  2. 100 Great Health Conversation Questions
  3. 100 Getting to Know You Questions
  4. 50 Conversation Questions About Celebrities
  5. 50 Sport Conversation Questions
  6. 70 Brilliant Conversation Starters for Students
  7. Discussion Questions about Soccer

What other questions would be good for our readers?

Let’s us know via Facebook or Twitter other good questions that you want us to include in the list

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English