
Verbs Followed by Gerunds

Published on November 12, 2020 | Updated on June 20, 2024

In English, verbs followed if you want to follow a verb with another action, you must use a gerund or infinitive.  

A gerund is a verb ending in “ing” that functions as a noun. An infinitive is the basic or root form of a verb, typically preceded with “to.”

For example:

  • We resumed talking. (gerund – verb + ing)
  • I want to see a movie. (infinitive – to + base verb)

There are certain verbs that can only be followed by one or the other, and these verbs must be memorized

60 Verbs Followed by Gerunds

These are 60 verbs followed by gerunds with examples

admitHe admitted cheating on the test.
AcknowledgeShe acknowledged receiving assistance.
advise The doctor generally advised doing exercises
allow Ireland doesn’t allow smoking in bars.
anticipateI didn’t anticipate having to do the cooking myself
appreciateI appreciated her helping me.
avoidShe always avoid going to the dentist 
begin I began learning English when I was 16 
can’t bear He can’t bear talking to his old classmates
can’t helpHe can’t help bringing that topic again and again
can’t seeI can’t see paying so much money for a car.
can’t stand He can’t stand her smoking in the office.
cease The government ceased providing free healthcare.
completeHe completed renovating those two buildings
considerShe considered moving to an European country
continue He continued watching Netflix shows for hours
defendThe lawyer defended her making such statements.
delayHe delayed doing my exercises routines
deferShe deferred writing my thesis.
denyHe denied committing crimes in Colombia
despiseShe despises waking up early.
discussWe discussed working at the company.
dislikeShe dislikes working in those big companies.
don’t mindI don’t mind helping you.
dread She dreads getting up at 5 AM.
encourage He encourages eating healthy foods.
enjoyWe enjoy hiking and camping in the mountains
finish He finished playing video games around midnight
forget I forgot giving you the money for the rent
hate I hate cleaning windows and toilets
imagineI can’t imagine living in a haunted house
involveThis procedure involves testing each sample twice.
intendI hear they intend marrying.
keepThey keep interrupting our conversation
like She likes cooking and writing recipes
love I love jogging and running in the mountain
mentionHe mentioned going to a private university
mindDo you mind waiting here for a few minutes.
missShe misses living near the coast
need The house needs cleaning.
neglect  She neglected doing her homework.
permit Costa Rica does not permit smoking in restaurants.
postponeHe postponed returning to Paris.
practiceShe practiced singing all Coldplay songs
preferHe prefers sitting at the back of the movie theater.
propose I proposed having lunch at the beach.
quit She quit worrying about her misbehaved son
recallTom recalled using his credit card at the store.
recollectShe recollected living and studying in Netherlands
recommendMike recommended taking the train to Boston
regret She regretted being friends with that kind of people
rememberShe remembered visiting her old school friends
reportHe reported her stealing the money.
require The certificate requires completing two courses.
resentI  resent having to do their military service.
resistHe resisted asking for money and help
riskHe risked being caught when he was in Honduras
start He started studying harder for his tests
stop She stopped attending church in 2016
suggestShe suggested staying in the Bates Motel
supportFive things that you can do to support recycling
tolerateWe don’t tolerate smoking in the library
try Sam tried opening the lock with a paperclip.
understandI understand his joking
urge They urge recycling plastic in all of its forms

Verbs Followed by Gerunds Exercises

These are some verbs followed by Gerunds Exercises

Verbs followed by Gerunds: Exercise from 1 to 3

Verbs followed by Gerunds: Exercise from 4 to 6

Verbs followed by Gerunds: Exercises from 6 to 10

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English