
50 Passive Voice Examples

Published on March 20, 2021 | Updated on April 7, 2024

In this post, you will find all the examples of passive voices sentences that you need including passive voice examples with modals

The passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object that experiences an action rather than the person or object that performs the action.

  1. The castle in the amusement park was built last year.
  2. The road is being repaired.
  3. A faster computer is being designed by a team of experts

Now, let’s explore all that you need to make sentences with different tenses and the passive voices.

Passive Voice with Different Tenses and Modals

These are examples of how the passive voice is made using different tenses and modals

 Tense or ModalActive voicePassive Voice
Simple PresentTom writes a letterA letter is written 
Simple PastTom wrote a letterA letter was written 
Present ProgressiveTom is writing a letterA letter is being written
Past ProgressiveTom was reading a letterA letter was being read
Present PerfectI have seen a ghostA ghost have been seen
Past PerfectI had seen a ghostA ghost had been seen
FutureI will fix the carThe car will be fixed
WouldI would fix the carThe car would be fixed
ShouldI should do thisThis should be done
CanI can do thatThat can be done
Could I could cook thatThat could be cooked
MustI must make a cakeA cake must be made
MayI may fix the PCThe PC may be fixed
MightI might sell my carMy car might be sold

Passive Voice Examples: Simple Present

These are some example of sentences with the simple present and the passive voice

  1. The dog is walked by Ben.
  2. Cookies are made here.
  3. The cat isn’t walked by Ben.
  4. Sandwiches aren’t made here.
  5. Is the rabbit walked (by Ben)?
  6. How are the cookies made?
  7. The problem is solved.
  8. The pizza is made by Moby.

Passive Voice Examples: Simple Past

These are some example of sentences with the simple past and the passive voice

  1. A letter was written by him.
  2. A song was sung by her.
  3. Mary wasn’t invited to the party.
  4. The match wasn’t won by our team.
  5. You weren’t invited to the party.
  6. Were the students taught at home?
  7. Was the article written by Nick?
  8. Was the window broken by him?

Passive Voice Examples: Present Continuous

These are some example of sentences with the present continuous and the passive voice

  1. The mail is being delivered by the postman.
  2. The room is being measured by Harry Potter.
  3. The team is being congratulated by the coach.
  4. The rooms are being cleaned by our staff
  5. The hackers are being arrested at this very moment
  6. Many articles are being written about the global pandemic
  7. Lots of children are being held in detention centers
  8. Lots of old coins are being collected in this branch

Passive Voice Examples: Past Continuous

These are some example of sentences with the past continuous and the passive voice

  1. I was being followed by some criminals
  2. I was being scammed by some Indian hackers
  3. She was being bullied by some people on Facebook
  4. An email was being written by our supply team. 
  5. People were being arrested during the protest
  6. All the users were being tracked by our team
  7. All files were being destroyed when we got here
  8. My car was being fixed
  9. The boats were being cleaned

50 Passive Voice Exercises

Complete these passive voice exercises to make sure that you understand this topic well

These are some example that will help you contrast the active and the passive voice

  1. Active vs Passive Voice Exercise 001
  2. Active vs Passive Voice Exercise 002
  3. Active vs Passive Voice Exercise 003
  4. Active vs Passive Voice Exercise 004
  5. Active vs Passive Voice Exercise 005
  6. Active vs Passive Voice Exercise 006
  7. Active vs Passive Voice Exercise 007

These are some passive voice exercises and the simple past

  1. Passive Voice – Simple Past Exercise 01
  2. Passive Voice – Simple Past Exercise 02
  3. Passive Voice – Simple Past Exercise 03
  4. Passive Voice – Simple Past Exercise 04

These are some passive voice with the simple present

  1. Passive voice – Simple Present Exercise 01
  2. Passive Voice – Simple Present Exercise 02
  3. Passive Voice – Simple Present Exercise 03
  4. Passive Voice – Simple Present Exercise 04

These are some passive voice exercises with the present perfect

  1. Passive Voice and Present Perfect Exercise 01
  2. Passive Voice and Present Perfect Exercise 02

These are some test to practice more about the word order and passive voice sentences

  1. Word Order in the Passive Voice sentences 001
  2. Word Order in the Passive Voice sentences 002
  3. Word Order in the Passive Voice sentences 003
  4. Word Order in the Passive Voice sentences 004

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English