
75 Sentences and Questions with Have and Has

Published on June 20, 2021 | Updated on April 7, 2024

In this post, you will learn how to make sentences with “have” and “has” including questions and negative sentences

We use have and has to make all kinds of sentences with different tenses in English.

These are some examples of sentences with have and has:

Simple PastI have another credit card
Simple PastShe has many friends
Present PerfectI have been to Italy
Present PerfectShe has paid all the bills
Present Perfect ProgressiveI have been resting all day long
Present Perfect ProgressiveShe has been studying hard

Forms of the Verb ‘Has’

Continue reading so you can make sentences with “have” and “has” using different tenses in English

Have is an irregular verb and these are its three forms to make sentences and questions with all tenses in English

BaseHave / Has
Past ParticipleHad

Conjugation of the Verb ‘Have’

This is the conjugation of the verb ‘have’ with simple tenses

Simple PastI had
Simple Present FutureI have
Simple FutureI will have

This is the conjugation of the verb ‘have’ with continuous tenses

Past Continuous I was having
Present ContinuousI am having
Future ContinuousI will be having

This is the conjugation of the verb ‘have’ with perfect tenses

Past PerfectI had had
Present PerfectI have had
Future PerfectI will have had

This is the conjugation of the verb ‘have’ with perfect progressive tenses

Past Perfect ProgressiveI had been having
Present Perfect ProgressiveI have been having
Future Perfect ProgressiveI will have been having

Use of the Verb ‘Have’

 These are some of the common uses of the verb ‘have’

Things that we own or possessI have a car
Events, actions, experiences, and activitiesI had a party
Eating foods and mealsI had a coffee
Days or part of the daysI had a beautiful day
Conversation and InteractionsI need to have a word with you
Accidents and problems with carsThey had a crash
SleepingI had a good night’s sleep
TravelHave a safe trip

Sentences with Have and Has: Simple Present

These are some sentences with have and has using the simple present. These sentences show possession.

  • I have a car
  • I have a dog
  • I have a computer
  • She has a boyfriend
  • She has a girlfriend
  • She has three dogs

These are some negative sentences with the verb have

  • He doesn’t have seven cats
  • He doesn’t have a degree in English teaching
  • He doesn’t have a red car
  • We don’t have an extra computer
  • We don’t have a lot of money
  • We don’t have a spare tire

These sentences show that you have to do something

  • They have to go to school
  • They have to study for the exam
  • They have to play harder
  • We have to rent another car
  • We have to spend more time with the kids
  • We have to send the birthday invitations

Sentences with Have and Has: Present Perfect

These are some examples with sentences with have and has using the Present Perfect.

  • I have been here before
  • I have stayed in the hotel before
  • I have spent my weekends with my family
  • I have caught many criminals over the years
  • She has rented a car
  • She has made a cake for the birthday party
  • She has collected many letters over the years
  • She had found really good talent visiting small leagues
  • He has called me
  • He has said similar things in the past
  • He has solved many problems in the past

Pay careful attention to these sentences which use the two meanings of the verb have.

  • We have had many opportunities
  • We have had a lot of free time
  • We have had many problems over the years
  • They have had lots of blessings
  • They have had plenty of opportunities
  • They have had some arguments

Questions and Answers with Have and Has

These are some questions and answers with have and has

  • Do you have a dog?
  • I have two dogs
  • Do you have to run every day?
  • Yes, I am preparing for a Marathon
  • Do you have to do your homework?
  • Don’t worry, I can do that later
  • Have you had any issues?
  • I solved as many tickets as I could
  • Have you been to Norway?
  • I have been to Norway a few times over the past two years
  • Have you applied for that job?
  • I have applied several times
  • Have you spent time in Costa Rica?
  • Yes, I spend all my summers there
  • Have you visited your grandma?
  • I visited my grandma the other day, she is fine
  • Have you seen a ghost?
  • I don’t believe in paranormal stuff
  • When are you going to have your first baby?
  • Probably in three years

Conversation Questions with Have

These are some examples of conversation questions with have

  • Would you like to have more pets?
  • Would you like to have a baby?
  • Would you like to have a new car

  • Did you have vacations last year?
  • Did you have a good time on your last birthday?
  • Did you have a birthday party this or last year?

  • Have you ever had surgery?
  • Have you ever suffered an accident?
  • Have you ever been to a foreign country?
  • Have you ever had feelings for a good friend?

  • When are you going to have a baby?
  • When are you planning to retire?
  • Are you going to have vacations anytime soon?
  • Are you going to have a new hairstyle?

  • Do you have a Netflix subscription?
  • Do you have a Disney Plus subscription?
  • Do you have a Spotify Subscription?

  • How many cars do you have?
  • How much money do you have?
  • How many dresses do you have?
  • How many black shirts do you have?
  • How many houses do you have?

  • How many children do you have?
  • How many brothers and sisters do you have?
  • How many cousins do you have?
  • How many dogs do you have?
  • Do you have cats? How many cats do you have?

  1. Do you have to do gardening?
  2. Do you have to make your bed?
  3. Do you have to clean your room?
  4. Do you have to dust the tables?
  5. Do you have to sort and fold the laundry?
  6. Do you have to prepare a meal for your brother?

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English