
Questions with How Many and How Much

Published on January 27, 2022 | Updated on June 20, 2024

In this post you will find examples of sentences using how many and how much such as these

  • How many Facebook friends do you have?
  • How many followers do you have on Instagram?
  • How much time do you spend online?
  • How much time do you spend watching TV?
  • How many people are you following on Twitter?

Questions with how many and how much can be used for various purposes.

You can use these questions with how many and how much to start a conversation with your students or friends

Questions with How Many

This the first set of questions with how many

  • How many girlfriends have you had?
  • How many times have you been married?
  • How many times have you been divorced?
  • How many times have you been married?
  • How many times have you felt depressed?
  • How many times have you felt sick in the past few months?
  • How many times have you failed a class?
  • How many times have you gotten drunk?

This the second set of questions with how many

  • How many books/magazines/newspapers have you read this year?
  • How many hours a day do you sleep every day?
  • How many calories do you consume every day?
  • How many hours in a week do you spend on work?
  • How many hours do you spend on video games every day?
  • How many people do you live with?
  • How many cups of coffee do you drink every day?
  • How many weeks do you take for vacations every year?

This the third set of questions with how many

  • How many friends do you have on Facebook?
  • How many phones have you had in your life?
  • How many cousins do you have?
  • How many times have you been fired from a job?
  • How many times have you been arrested?
  • How many times have you cheated on an exam?
  • How many goals did you achieve last year?
  • How many devices do you have?

This the fourth set of questions with how many

  • How many programming languages do you know?
  • How many countries have you visited?
  • How many boyfriends have you had?
  • How many times have you gotten lost while jogging?
  • How many big mistakes have you made in the last couple of months?
  • How many miles do you run every month?
  • How many glasses of wine do you drink every night?
  • How many classes do you take per semester?

Questions with How Much

This is the first set of questions with how much

  • How much patience do you think you have?
  • How much money would you like to save this year?
  • How much money do you spend on clothes every month?
  • How much money do you spend on food each month?
  • How much time do you spend on reading books?
  • How much time do you spend on watching TV every day?
  • How much water do you drink every day?
  • How much time do you spend in traffic jam?
  • How much time do you spend on the internet everyday?
  • How much time do you spend driving to and from work?

This is the second set of questions with how much

  • How much money did you spend the last time you went shopping?
  • How much time do you spend on the internet?
  • How much time do you spend on calling other people?
  • How much time do you spend on social networks?
  • How much time do you spend watching videos on YouTube?
  • How much fun did you have in the last party you went to?
  • How much is the computer you have?

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English