
Questions with Will for the ESL Classroom

Published on December 9, 2021 | Updated on June 20, 2024

In this post, you will find all that you need to know about closed and open questions with will.

Will is a modal that we use to make affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences about the future such as:

  • Where will you play next month?
  • What will you do tomorrow?
  • Who will you go out with?
  • How many people will participate in the next video?
  • What Netflix shows will be cancelled?
  • Who will pay for all this food and clothing?

Let’s check the structure to make open and closed questions with will correctly

Questions with Will: Structure

The structure to make questions with will is pretty simple, let’s start with the structure to make open questions.

Will PronounVerbPredicate +?
Willyouplay soccer?
Willyou come here?

Now, let’s check the structure to make close questions with will

Wh-QuestionWill PronounVerbPredicate +?
WhenWillyouplay soccer?
WhenWillyou come home?

Now let’s check some of the most common questions you can make with Will.

Questions with Will: Food

These are some questions with will about food situations

  • Where will we eat?
  • What will we eat?
  • When will you eat?
  • What restaurant will you go to?
  • Why will you eat alone?
  • Why won’t you drink coffee?
  • Will Diana stop eating chocolates?

Questions with Will: Sports

These are some questions with will about sports

  • What time will we play tennis?
  • When will the boxers fight again?
  • Will you watch the game?
  • Will your team win tonight?
  • When will your dream team be a champion?
  • Why will you stop betting on sports?

Questions with Will: Traveling

These are some questions with will about traveling

  • Where will you go?
  • Who will come with you?
  • Where will you stay?
  • How much money will you spend?
  • What countries will you visit?
  • When will you buy the airplane tickets?
  • What car will you rent?
  • When will you get your passport?
  • What places will you visit?
  • When will you leave the country?

Questions with Will: School

These are some questions with will about school

  • When will you start university?
  • When will you finish school?
  • Will you study a second major?
  • What will you study?
  • When will you graduate?
  • Will you learn a language?
  • What language will you learn?
  • Where will you move after you finish university?

Questions with Will: Life

These are some questions with will about Life

  • Will you get married?
  • Will you have children?
  • How many children will you have?
  • What will you do before you get married?
  • Will you work until you are 60?
  • Where will you be in three years?
  • Where will you be in five years?
  • Where will you be in ten years?
  • When will you celebrate your next birthday?

Questions with Will: Entertainment

These are some questions with will related to entertainment

  • What movie will we watch?
  • What songs will you use for your videos?
  • What streamer will you subscribed to?
  • What Youtube channel will you join?
  • What podcast will you start listening to?
  • What video games will they buy from steam?
  • Will she be happy if we watch another movie?

Conversation with Questions with Will

This is a short conversation that include question with will

NateHey, I am kinda worried
NateThe team we are facing is really good
JosephSharon will help us
NateWill Sharon play tomorrow?
NateBut she broke her right foot like three hours ago
JosephWhat? I didn’t know that
NateWe are in serious trouble?
JoseYes, We are

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English