
Phrases and Vocabulary for Emergencies

Published on August 10, 2020 | Updated on March 30, 2024

An emergency is defined as something dangerous or serious, such as an accident, that happens suddenly or unexpectedly and needs fast action in order to avoid harmful results

There are different types of emergencies

  • Accidents at work
  • Slips and Strips
  • Industrial Diseases and Illnesses
  • Road Traffic Accidents
  • Accidents abroad
  • Accidents Involving Animals
  • Sport Related Injuries

Vocabulary for Emergencies

This some key vocabulary for emergencies divided in categories:

  • Verbs to Talk about Emergencies
  • Describing what has happened to you
  • Describing what has happened to others
  • Questions asked in Emergencies
  • General Vocabulary for Emergencies
  • Recommendations

Verbs to Talk about Emergencies

These are some verbs to talk about emergencies

Make an appointmentGo for a medical check-up
Renew my prescriptionHave a surgery
Go to the hospitalGo to the dental clinic
Look for helpGet stitches
Find helpReceive some treatment
Call an ambulanceGet Injured
Call a doctorGo to an emergency room
Buy some medicineReport a robbery
Go to a drugstoreCall the police
Buy painkillersGo to the embassy
Feel betterBe Ok
Check your temperaturePass out
Get dizzyReport a crime

Describing what has Happened to you

These are some useful phrases to describe what has happened to you

  • I’ve been robbed
  • I’ve been mugged
  • I’ve been attacked
  • I’ve been raped
  • I’ve been molested
  • I’ve been stabbed
  • I’ve been threatened
  • I’ve been hurt

Describing what has Happened to Others

These are some useful phrases to describe what has happened to you

  • He was shot 
  • He was stabbed 
  • She was raped
  • She was Attacked
  • She was mugged
  • He was hit by a car
  • He was beaten up
  • He was bitten by a dog
  • He was bitten by a snake.
  • He was knocked out

Vocabulary for Emergencies: Questions

These are some common questions asked during emergencies

  • Do you have a fever?
  • Is there anybody with you?
  • Are you allergic to something?
  • Is she allergic to something?
  • Are you wounded?
  • Did you get shot?
  • Is she breathing?
  • Did she have a heart attack?

General Vocabulary for Emergencies

These are some words that might be used during an emergency

  • I have Asthma
  • He’s got a  cold
  • My leg aches.
  • I got a broken arm
  • My stomach hurts and I can’t stand the pain
  • I have back pain and I can’t move
  • I am lost
  • I am wounded

Vocabulary for Emergencies: Recommendations

These are some example of recommendations

  • It’s a good idea to take cough syrup
  • apply some alcohol
  • Take a pill and laxatives
  • You should rest and wait for the ambulance
  • Take your medication and wait for the paramedic

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English