
50 Most Common Expressions with Get

Published on April 13, 2022 | Updated on March 8, 2024

In this post you will find everything that you need to know about the expressions with get and so much more.

Get is one of the most used verbs in English because it can be used to make different type of sentences.

These are a few examples of sentences with get :

  • I got a new bike and a MacBook Air
  • I got my nose broken
  • I didn’t get the joke
  • I got away with it

Now let’s explore the many types of sentences you can make with the verb get

When to Use the Verb Get

These are some of the uses of the word Get

  1. To receive something
  2. To obtain or buy something
  3. To travel somewhere in a vehicle
  4. To arrive someone

These are some example of sentences using the word get.

  • Did you get anything nice for your birthday?
  • Where did you get your shoes?
  • What time do you get home from work?
  • When are you gonna get here?

Remember that we can make sentences with get with different tenses in English.

List of Common Expressions with Get

These are the most common expressions with get categorized by how these expressions are made up.

  • Get + Adjective Expressions
  • Collocations with Get
  • Phrasal Verbs with Get

Get + Adjective Expressions

Here are the 25 most useful get +adjective expressions

Get + AdjectiveExample
Get drunkHe got drunk last night
Get hotterIt’s getting hotter.
Get warmerIt is getting warmer
Get marriedShe is going to get married
Get divorcedThey got divorced last year
Get tiredI got tired of you
Get lostI think we got lost
Get betterThings are going to get better
Get angryShe is gonna get angry
Get oldYou are getting old
Get darkIt gets dark very early in the winter.
Get dirtyThings are gonna get dirty
Get wetIt is raining, we are going to get wet
Get sickI don’t want to get sick
Get hurtYou are gonna get hurt
Get thirstyI am getting thirsty
Get hungryI am getting hungry
Get wellGet well soon
Get dressedWait, I am getting dressed
Get dizzyI got dizzy on the plane
Get jealousI got jealous
Get FatI got fat when I moved to Italy
Get boredI got bored of those old exercises
Get excitedWe got excited when we won
Get nervousHe gets nervous when he gives blood.
Get madShe got mad at me
Get RichHe said that he was gonna get rich
Get confusedI got confused

Most Common Collocations with Get

These are some of the most common collocations in English

Get a callI am gonna get a call from the Government
Get permissionYou need to get permission to do that
Get a letterI just got a letter
Get a degreeShe hopes to get a degree in English Teaching
Get the impressionYou got the impression
Get homeSorry but I need to get home right away
Get a haircutHe has to get a haircut today, he is going to be on TV
Get a tanDo you always to get a tan when you go to the beach?
Get nowhereYou are getting nowhere with this situation

Get + Prepositions (Phrasal Verbs)

These are the most common phrasal verbs with get

Get upI don’t usually get up until 7:15
Get alongI don’t get along with my classmates, They don’t like me
Get out You have to get out here right now, Police is coming
Get atI understand what you are trying to get at
Get byI have enough money to get by
Get offWe got off the train before the car hit it
Get overYou need to get over it, she is not your wife anymore
Get away She got away with it, she got the money and the job
Get back I have to get back as soon as possible
Get throughI have to get through this task before 5

Expressions with Get Conversation Questions

This is the first set of conversation question with get:

  1. How often do you get a haircut?
  2. What time do you usually get home?
  3. Do you get a tan when you go to the beach?
  4. Do you get jealous sometimes?
  5. Have you ever gotten drunk?
  6. Do you ever get sick?
  7. Are you thinking about getting married?
  8. What do you want to get better at?

This is the second set of conversation questions with get

  1. What hobbies do you recommend if you get bored at home?
  2. What do you like to drink when you get thirsty?
  3. Do you ever get nervous whenever you have to speak in public?
  4. Do you get dizzy when you are on a plane or boat?
  5. Have you ever gotten lost?
  6. Would you like to get married?
  7. How well do you get along with your brothers?

This is the third set of conversation questions with get

  1. Have you ever gotten a promotion at work?
  2. What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten from someone?
  3. Do you prefer to get up early in the morning ?
  4. Have you ever gotten lost while traveling to a new place?
  5. Have you ever gotten a surprise gift that you really loved?
  6. How do you usually get along with your neighbors?
  7. What time do you usually get up on Sundays?

Video: Expressions with Get

Learn more about expressions with get with this video

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English