
Questions with Should for the ESL Classroom

Published on July 20, 2021 | Updated on March 28, 2024

Do you ever find yourself asking “should I take this class?” or “should I get a job at this company?” These are examples of questions with should.

The Modal should is used to say or ask what is the correct or best thing to do.

Example of questions with should are:

  1. Should I study for the exam tonight or wait until tomorrow?
  2. Should we invite Jane to the party this weekend?
  3. Should you seek professional advice for your health concern?
  4. Should he apologize for his rude behavior at the meeting?

In this post, you will find examples of all types of questions with should including some conversation questions with should at the end

Examples of Questions with Should

These are some examples of questions with should

  • Should you have two jobs?
  • Should I give him some space?
  • Should we wake up early tomorrow?
  • Should we turn left on this street?
  • Shouldn’t you be getting ready for work?
  • Should I turn on the air conditioning?
  • Shouldn’t you be studying now?
  • Should we tell her the truth?
  • Shouldn’t we try to finish it now?

Examples of wh – Questions with Should

These are some examples of wh-questions with should

  • Where should I park my car?
  • What should you wear to work?
  • Which one should I choose?
  • What should I do?
  • How many people should be on the committee?
  • How many seats should we buy for the game?
  • Who should I ask?
  • Who else should I invite?
  • When should we start?
  • Why should we get another degree?
  • Where should the children play?
  • Who do you think should win first prize?
  • When should we have dinner together?

Conversation Questions with Should

These are some conversation questions with should

  • How many hours should we sleep at night?
  • Why should we do exercises?
  • Why should we have a healthy diet?
  • What should we do if we are sick?
  • What should we do if we see someone littering?
  • Should you work on your birthday?
  • Should you work on a holiday?
  • Should the government keep secrets from the people?
  • What should you do when you are lost in an unfamiliar place?
  • Should the government spend more or less money?
  • Should you have a baby?
  • Why should a person go to college?
  • Which car should you buy in the future?
  • What should we stop eating?
  • What should we stop drinking?
  • Why should we learn languages?
  • What should you do to be popular?
  • What should peopledo to give up drinking?
  • What should we do to be less stressed?
  • Should we stop using social media?
  • Should we become vegetarians?
  • Should we be more skeptical?

Should Questions and Answers

These are some answers to questions with should

  • Which car should you buy in the future?
  • I think a TESLA would be something worth trying
  • Why should we learn languages?
  • You get access to more information if you know more than two languages
  • Should you work on your birthday?
  • I don’t think you should, Companies should give employees that day off
  • Why should we have a healthy diet?
  • I think your life will be so much better if you eat healthy food
  • What should we stop eating?
  • I think we should stop eating fast food
  • What should we do if we are sick?
  • We should stay home unless it is something serious
  • What should we stop drinking?
  • I think we should stop drinking sodas
  • Should you have two jobs?
  • Only if you really need to

More ESL Conversation Questions

If you are looking for more resources to practice your English skills or have meaningful conversations with your students, I’ve compiled a list of some posts with conversation questions.

Check them out before your leave:

  1. Questions with When: Guide & Examples
  2. Questions with Where: Guide & Examples
  3. Question with What: Guide & Examples
  4. Questions with Who: Grammar Guide and Examples
  5. 50 Questions with How: Grammar Guide & Examples
  6. 50 Superlative Questions: Guide & Examples
  7. 200 ESL Conversation Questions for the ESL Classroom
Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English