
Soft Skills in English: Guide and Vocabulary

Published on July 30, 2021 | Updated on April 13, 2024

Soft Skills are personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.

These are some examples of soft skills

Communication SkillsInterpersonal Skills
AdaptabilityPresentation skills
Leadership skillsResearch Skills
Teamwork SkillsProject Management Skills
Problem Solving SkillsStrong Work Ethic
Coaching SkillsEmotional Intelligence

Now let’s learn more about each one of them in the following guide

Soft Skills = Affirmative Sentences

These are some sentences about soft skills

  1. She is an ethical person
  2. They have management abilities
  3. We are problem solvers
  4. I can work under pressure
  5. I can take criticism
  6. I am a great team player
  7. I am highly organized
  8. I am a great communicator
  9. I am adaptable to change.
  10. I can deal with difficult situations
  11. I am an effective communicator
  12. I am very good at making decisions

Soft Skills: Negative Statements

These are some negative sentences using soft skills

  • I am not very good at making decisions under pressure
  • I am not a good communicator
  • I am not a great team player
  • I am not a problem solver
  • I don’t take criticism very well
  • I don’t have team management skills
  • I don’t have coaching skills
  • I don’t have problem solving skills
  • I can’t deal with difficult situations
  • I can’t work under pressure
  • I can’t solve problems

Soft Skills: Questions

If you want to make questions about Soft Skills, have a look at these examples:

  • Do you have communication skills?
  • Do you have presentation skills?
  • Do you have leadership skills?
  • Do you have a strong work ethic?
  • Can you work under pressure?
  • Can you deal with difficult situations?
  • Can you take criticism?
  • Can you adapt to different situations?
  • Are you good at making decisions?
  • Are you a great team player?
  • Are you a great communicator?
  • Are you good at solving problem?

Soft Skills: Questions and Answers

These are some examples of questions and answers about Soft Skills

  • Are you a great team player?
  • Yes, I am great working with people
  • Can you work under pressure?
  • Sure, I am used to it
  • Do you have presentation skills?
  • I think I can manage my audience really well
  • Can you deal with difficult situations?
  • I think so, I used to work as a paramedic.
  • Do you have problem solving skills?
  • I don’t think I have, I like to stay away from them
  • Are you a great communicator?
  • A little bit, I like speaking in public
  • Do you have coaching skills?
  • I don’t, I have problems giving instructions

Communication Skills

The ability to communicate effectively with superiors, colleagues, and staff is essential, no matter what industry you work in.

Workers in the digital age must know how to effectively convey and receive messages in person as well as via phone, email, and social media.

Some benefits of having good communication skills are:

  • Excellent communication skills prevents misunderstanding.
  • Effective interpersonal communication skills such as listening skills, making eye contact gives boost to your personality

Communication Skills: Key Vocabulary

These are the top ten communication skills for workplace success

ListeningNon-verbal communication
FriendlinessClarity and Concision
FeedbackPicking the right medium

These are some sentences about communication skills

Listening SkillsI like listening to others
Open-Minded I try to see people’s perspectives.
Communication Skills I avoid distractions when I talk
Non-Verbal Communication I make eye contact with my clients
Non-Verbal CommunicationI use a good tone of voice
FeedbackI take feedback from others well
RespectI respect the opinion of my coworkers
RespectI pay attention to what people are saying to me
RespectI don’t interrupt people when they talk
Active listeningI take time to listen to others
InterestI show interest by asking questions
ClarityI speak clearly about what I want
Open-MindedI am open to new ideas
Public SpeakingI love speaking in public
Presentation SkillsI love giving presentations at work
Confidence I have a lot of confidence when I speak

Questions about Communication Skills

These are some questions about communication skills

  • Do you have confidence?
  • Yes, I rely 100% on my abilities
  • Do you have presentation skills?
  • Yes, I like speaking in public
  • Are you an open-minded person?
  • Yes, I like to listen to different points of view
  • Do you have listening skills?
  • No, I don’t pay much attention to what others say
  • Do you have communication skills?
  • I communicate things clearly and in a concise manner
  • Do you have empathy?
  • Yes, I do my best to understand others

Teamwork Skills

Teamwork is the art of collaborating with others effectively and is vital in most professions. Teamwork Skills are important because employers expect their employees to be team players.

Some examples of soft skills are:

  • Communication
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Listening
  • Critical Thinking
  • Collaboration
  • Leadership

Top 5 Teamwork Skills

These are the top 5 teamwork skills, under each one of them you will find sentences that support each teamwork skill.

Communication Skills

  1. I am able to communicate clearly my ideas with the group
  2. I communicate information by email and by phone
  3. I communicate information in person
  4. My tone of voice is always friendly and professional

Conflict Management

  1. I am able to mediate problems between team members
  2. I am able to negotiate with team members
  3. I am able to settle disputes with team members
  4. I make sure that everyone is happy with team choices

Listening Skills

  1. I listen to the ideas of my peers
  2. I listen to the concerns of my peers
  3. I ask for clarification
  4. I use non-verbal cues


  1. I am a reliable team member
  2. My team members trust me
  3. I stick to deadlines
  4. I complete my tasks


  1. I treat my co-workers with dignity
  2. I feel admiration for my co-workers
  3. I treat people with politeness
  4. I never insult my co-workers

Teamwork Skills – Negative Sentences

These are some examples of negative sentences that you can make when discussing the teamwork skills topic

  1. I don’t like working with people
  2. I don’t have listening skills
  3. I get into troubles when I work with people

These are negative sentences about other people

  1. She doesn’t like to work his teammates
  2. She never listens to the opinions of others
  3. She has problems communication with others

TeamWork Skills – Questions

These are some questions about teamwork skills

  • Do you have communication skills?
  • Do you have time management?
  • Do you have problem solving skills?
  • Do you have listening skills?
  • Do you have critical thinking skills?
  • Do you have leadership skills?

TeamWork Skills – Questions

These are some examples of questions and answers about teamwork skills

  • Do you have leadership skills?
  • I think I do, I have experience managing people
  • Do you have time management skills?
  • I finish things on time
  • Do you have communication skills?
  • Yes, I do, that’s one of my strengths
  • Do you like working in team?
  • I love working with other people

Soft Skills: Leadership Skills

A simple definition is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal.

In a business setting, this can mean directing workers and colleagues with a strategy to meet the company’s needs.

Some examples of leadership skills are:

  • Communication
  • Honesty
  • Sense of Humor
  • Confidence
  • Commitment

You can make all sort of sentences about leadership but the basic ones can be made using the verbs to have and to be.

Let’s Learn about leadership skills in detail.

Leadership Skills Vocabulary and Examples

The characteristics of a good leader are:

HonestyMark is honest
CommunicationJames has communication skills
Sense of HumorLinda has a good sense of humor
ConfidenceSamantha has a lot of confidence
CommitmentI am committed
Positive attitudeAnderson has a positive attitude
CreativityMichael has a lot of creativity
PositivityI am a s positive person
Decision MakingI have decision-making capabilities.
InnovationShe likes to innovate
EmpathyHe has a lot of empathy
VisionNelson has a great vision
IntegrityDaniel has a lot of integrity
HumbleFiorella is a humble leader
ResponsibleSergio’s very responsible
OptimismHe has a lot of optimism
DelegationGood leaders know how to delegate
Respect Good leaders respect others
PassionAngela has a lot of passion for what she does
PersuasionChris has persuasion abilities
Supportive James’s a very supportive classmate
Social Skills I am outgoing and friendly
Emotional Skills I control my emotions and stay calm
Risk Management I identify, evaluate and take risks
Open-Minded I am open to learning about new things

Questions and Answers about Leadership Skills

These are some questions and answers about leadership skills

  • Do you have an open mind?
  • Sure, I like to listen to different perspectives.
  • Do you usually take risks?
  • I don’t like taking risks.
  • Do you have passion for what you do?
  • I love learning about online security
  • Do you have a good sense of humor?
  • I am the funniest guy in the agency
  • Do you have creativity?
  • You can check my portfolio of android applications.
  • Do you have management skills?
  • Sure, I manage a team of 20 developers.
  • Do you have communication skills?
  • Yes, we use Slack to improve team communication.
  • Do you have confidence?
  • Absolutely, I am the best salesman here.
  • Do you have social skills?
  • I am friendly but I like working alone.

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English