
40 Ejemplos con el Segundo Condicional en Inglés [Second Conditional]

Publicado el 23 de June de 2021 | Actualizado el 16 de October de 2024

Esta una guía muy útil para crear oraciones con el segundo condicional en Inglés con muy poca dificultad.

Las oraciones con el segundo condicional en Inglés o second conditional se usan para hablar de situaciones imposibles e imaginarias.

If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house
She would travel all over the world if she were rich.

Ahora analicemos todo lo que debes saber para realizar oraciones con el segundo condicional o second conditional.

Estructura del Second Conditional

Para crear oraciones con el segundo condicional o second conditional, debemos tomar en cuenta las siguientes estructuras:

#1Pasado simple
#2El modal would

Las oraciones con el pasado simple lucen esta manera:

  • I earned a lot of money
  • I won the lottery
  • I made a trip to Europe
  • He made food for forty people
  • He traveled to Spain
  • He rented a house by the beach

Las oraciones con would lucen de esta manera:

  • I would buy a car
  • I would stay in the cheapest hotel
  • I would buy more crypto
  • She would never buy NFTS
  • She would quit her job
  • She would buy an apartment

Esta es la estructura para hacer oraciones con el segundo condicional:

IfPasado SimpleWould + Infinitivo
If I had moneyI would buy a car
If She had a carShe would accept the job

Tambien puedes invertir el orden de la oración y hacer algo similar a esto:

Would + InfinitivoIfPasado Simple
I would buy a carIf I had money
She would accept the jobIf She had a car

Oraciones con el Segundo Condicional

Estos son ejemplos de oraciones con el segundo condicional o second conditional

  • If she knew the answer, she would win the prize
  • If I had your phone number, I would call you
  • I would buy you a present if I had enough money
  • If I studied, I would pass the exams.
  • I would be in better shape if I went to the gym more often
  • If she trained hard, she could lose some weight.
  • If he wasn’t so lazy, he would get a job
  • If it didn’t rain, we would go on a picnic.
  • If I went to Paris, I would see the Eiffel Tower
  • If I were you, I wouldn’t marry him.

Preguntas con el Segundo Condicional [Second Conditional]

Estas son algunas preguntas con el segundo condicional

  • What would you do if somebody stole your car?
  • What would you do if you saw a man trying to steal your car?
  • Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
  • If you were powerful enough to change the world, what would you change?
  • If you were given three wishes, what would you wish for?
  • Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world?
  • If you could change your past, what would you change?
  • If your house was on fire, what personal belonging would you miss the most?
  • If you could be anyone in the world, who would you be?

Preguntas con What Would you do?

Would es un verbo modal en Inglés que le agrega la terminación -ia a los verbos que este modifica.

What would you do? significa ¿Que harías?

What would you do? es una pregunta muy común para hablar de situaciones hipotéticas en Inglés

Estas son algunas preguntas con what would you do:

  • What would you do if you won a million dollars?
  • If you won the lottery, what would you buy?
  • If you changed your name, what name would you choose?
  • What would you do if you could be invisible for a day?
  • What would you do if you saw a ghost?
  • What would you do if you saw a person shoplifting?
  • What would you do if a robber broke in at night?
  • What would you do if you saw a man hitting a woman?
  • What would you do if you saw three men attacking another man?
  • What would you do if you had to catch a bus but you don’t have any money?

Preguntas con If you Could

Could es un verbo modal en Inglés que usualmente se traduce como “podría” o “podrías”

Sin embargo en este tipo de oraciones condicionales, “If you could” se traduce como “si pudieras”

Estas son algunas preguntas con el segundo condicional usando la palabra Could.

  • If you could be an animal, what animal would you be?
  • If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
  • If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?
  • If you could commit any crime and get away with it, what would you do?
  • If you could be famous, what would you like to be famous for?
  • If you could be a Marvel Comics superhero, who would you like to be?
  • If you could be a DC Comics superhero, who would you like to be?
  • If you could be an athlete, what sport would you like to be good at?
  • If you could pick to do any other job for a living, what would that job be?
  • If you could travel back in time, what year would you go to?


Espero que ahora tengas mucho más claro el cómo hacer oraciones con el segundo condicional en Inglés.

Las oraciones con el second conditional requieren el manejo de ciertas estructuras y cierto vocabulario por lo que este no es un tema para principiantes.

Si encuentras dificultades para entender la gramática acá presentada, debes estudiar los tiempos verbales y verbos modales utilizados para hacer oraciones con el segundo condicional.

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

Soy Manuel Campos, Profesor de Inglés y creador de EnglishPost.org, un blog para compartir lecciones para quienes desean aprender o mejorar su Inglés