
Discussion Questions about Feminism

Published on July 15, 2021 | Updated on April 19, 2024

Are you searching for a set of thoughtful questions about feminism for a classroom discussion?

Feminism is defined as a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression.

Feminism can be seen as both an individual commitment to treating people as equals and a political movement towards restructuring society in fair ways.

  • What does feminism mean to you? How has your understanding of feminism changed over time?
  • In your opinion, are men and women treated equally in your country?

In this post, you will find some common questions to discuss what feminism is and possibly understand it better

Is Feminism a Controversial Topic for a ESL Conversation?

Feminism can be a controversial topic, as opinions on it vary widely.

Feminism is a diverse and multifaceted movement with different branches and perspectives.

At its core, feminism advocates for the social, political, and economic equality of the sexes. However, the ways in which individuals and groups interpret and approach this goal can differ, leading to varying opinions and controversies.

When addressing questions about feminism in an educational setting, teachers should be mindful of creating an inclusive and respectful environment.

Here are some considerations:

Create a Safe Space:

  • Foster an atmosphere where students feel comfortable expressing their opinions and asking questions.
  • Emphasize the importance of respectful dialogue and active listening.

Acknowledge Diverse Perspectives:

  • Recognize that students may come from diverse backgrounds and hold different opinions on feminism.
  • Encourage open discussions that allow for a range of perspectives to be shared.

Provide Context:

  • Ensure that students have a foundational understanding of what feminism is and its various branches.
  • Offer historical and cultural context to help students appreciate the evolution of feminist thought.

Avoid Stereotyping:

  • Be cautious not to perpetuate stereotypes about feminists or gender roles.
  • Encourage critical thinking and challenge assumptions.

Be Inclusive:

  • Incorporate the voices of feminists from various backgrounds, including women of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, and those from different socio-economic backgrounds.
  • Highlight the intersectionality of feminism, recognizing the interconnectedness of different social categories.

Provide Resources:

  • Offer a variety of readings, films, and other resources that explore different aspects of feminism.
  • Make sure the resources are accessible and inclusive.

Respect Individual Choices:

  • Acknowledge that individuals may have different beliefs and choices regarding their own engagement with feminist ideas.
  • Avoid imposing a specific perspective and respect students’ autonomy.

Address Misconceptions:

  • Be prepared to address common misconceptions about feminism and provide accurate information.
  • Correct misunderstandings in a constructive and informative manner.

By approaching discussions about feminism with sensitivity, inclusivity, and a commitment to open dialogue, teachers can create a positive learning environment that encourages critical thinking and respectful engagement with diverse perspectives.

Questions about Feminism

Feminism is the belief in social, economic, and political equality of the sexes.

Although largely originating in the West, feminism is manifested worldwide and is represented by various institutions who fight on behalf of women’s rights and interests.

These are some questions about feminism

  • How do you define feminism?
  • What do you know about the history of feminism?
  • Who should be credited with starting the feminist movement?
  • What are some types of feminism?
  • Has Feminism changed over time?
  • How has gender affected your life?

  • Do you consider yourself to be a feminist?
  • Do you agree men and women should be equal? What steps can we take to achieve equality?
  • What do feminists generally agree on?
  • What do feminists disagree about?
  • Can you name some feminist figures?
  • What questions would you like to ask a feminist?

  • What questions do people ask most about feminism?
  • Why don’t we hear more men speaking out about women’s rights?
  • How can we encourage more men to stand up for women’s rights?
  • Do feminists hate men?
  • Wasn’t Margaret Thatcher a feminist?

  • What do you think about the gender pay gap?
  • Why are some people against feminism?
  • Can men be feminists?
  • Is your country totally fair and equal to women and men?
  • Who are the most vocal people in favor of feminism?
  • Who are the most vocal people against feminism?

  • What is your opinion of sexual objectification?
  • Is it really better to be a woman today than 50 years ago?
  • Do feminists have a hard time dating men?
  • What’s a feminist boyfriend?
  • What’s feminist underwear?
  • How is feminism viewed in your country?
  • What do you think about female genital mutilation?

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English