
Lesson: Present Progressive Sentences

Published on July 15, 2024

During this lesson, you will learn how to make negative, affirmative and interrogative sentences with present progressive

For instance:

AffirmativeYou are creating a website
NegativeYou are not creating a website
Closed QuestionAre you creating a website?
Open QuestionWhy are you creating a website?

Let’s get started

Present Progressive Guide

These are the different uses of the present progressive or present continuous

Present Progressive Use #1

We use the present continuous to talk about events which are in progress at the moment of speaking:

  • I am riding my bike
  • I am taking an online class
  • We are discussing the project
  • She is reading a book now
Present Progressive Use #2

We use the present continuous to talk about temporary states which are true around the moment of speaking:

  • I am living with my mother
  • I am studying English
  • She is working for Walmart
Present Progressive Use #3

We use the present continuous to describe actions which are repeated or regular, but which we believe to be temporary:

  • I am not eating much these days
  • She is working in Costa Rica at the moment
  • I am working from home during the pandemic
Present Progressive Use #4

We use the present continuous to refer to the future when we talk about plans and arrangements that have already been made:

  • I am moving to Italy in July
  • They are building a new house next month
  • I am leaving tomorrow morning
  • We are buying a new car tomorrow

This is the structure of affirmative sentences

Subject Verb to be Verb + Ing
I amcooking
She is reading
He is driving
Weare exercising
You are working out

Pre-Task #1: Present Progressive Examples (20 mins)


Watch the short clips and determine what type of sentence is


  1. Watch the video
  2. Understand each sentence
  3. Determine if it is (1) Affirmative sentence (2) Negative sentence (3) closed question and (4) open question
  4. Does any of the questions or sentences refers to future actions?

Pre-Task #2: Present Progressive Sentences and Questions (40 mins)


Read the sentences aloud to your professor

#1She is securing the website
#2She is optimizing the database
#3He is creating the primary menu
#4She is not creating the mega menu
#5She is not building the footer
#6She is not designing the author box
#7Are they creating custom fields?
#8Are they styling the header?
#9Are they optimizing images?
#10Why are you lazy loading the videos?
#11What security plugins are you testing?
#12What images are you compressing?

Pre-Task #3: Present Progressive Questions (35 Mins)


Individually open the link and create questions with the present continuous in Wordwall.


Make Pairs, then one of you asks what every member of the team is working on and one of you answers the question

Example of a question and an answer

A:Is Hanzell configuring the sitemaps?
B:No, he isn’t. He is customizing the dashboard

These are the tasks that every member of the team is working on

NamesActually Working on
ArianaCreate the primary menu
ArturoCreate the secondary menu
MadelineOptimize the database
HanzellCustomize the dashboard
AlejandraBuild a mega menu
PamelaCreate an interactive menu
WalterInline CSS
JairoStyle the header
ErickOptimize category pages
WesleyImplement a caching policy
IsaacClean up the database
FelipeTrash spam comments

Break (25 min)


Run wild and free for 25 mins

Main Task (1 Hour)


Use the present continuous in your conversation


  1. Make pairs
  2. Choose two phrases from the YouTube Video
  3. Prepare a short dialogue about an IT related matter
  4. Include the two sentences
  5. Present the dialogue
A25 Minutes for dialogue creation
B15 minutes for practicing
C20 minutes for the presentation

Post-Task: Writing


Write sentences based on the instructions given by your professor

  1. _________________________________
  2. _________________________________
  3. _________________________________
  4. _________________________________
  5. _________________________________

Additional Resources

This is a great YouTube video if you want to learn more about the present progressive

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English