
Lesson: Past Simple Sentences

Published on July 22, 2024 | Updated on July 23, 2024

During this lesson, you will learn how to make sentences and questions with the simple past tense

You will learn how to make:

#1Affirmative sentences
#2Negative sentences
#3Interrogative sentences

Let’s get started

Schema Activation (30 Mins)


Watch the video and identify patterns of affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences

Watch the video and identify the structure of:

#1Affirmative sentences
#2Negative sentences
#3Closed Questions
#4Open Questions

Pre-Task #1: (30 Mins)


Spin the wheel and figure out the past form of these verbs

Irregular verbs have different patterns so you gotta learn them



  1. Make groups of three.
  2. Spin the wheel.
  3. Figure out what the verb means.
  4. Figure out its past form.
  5. Quiz another classmate from another group

Pre-Task #2: (30 Mins)


Become familiar with the pronunciation of regular verbs in the past

In English, we have regular and irregular verbs.

Regular verbs have an -ed ending:


Make groups of three and categorize the regular verbs according to its pronunciation

In case you need a little bit of help, check this helpful guide: Ed-Ending Pronunciation

Now choose a different category for each member of the group, that member must prepare an affirmative or negative sentences with each verb.

When you are finished, get together with other classmates who also have the same set of verbs and compare your sentences.

Break: (30 Mins)


Run wild and free

Main Task: (1 Hour)


Read the routine that Cyber Security Specialist has

Follow these instructions:

  1. Make groups of three
  2. Read the text “Life of a Cyber Security Specialist” carefully (20 mins)
  3. Take turns asking and answering these questions: “Questions for the Cyber Security Guy” (20 Mins)
  4. Try to remember key details from the reading so you quiz a classmate from a different group. (20 Mins)
Life of a Cyber Security Specialist

My name is Dwight and I am a cyber security specialist.

Yesterday, I had a typical day as a security specialist.

I woke up at 6 feeling good so I worked out for 30 minutes.

After doing push-ups, squats, and sit-ups, I prepared myself a coffee and a sandwich.

Once breakfast was finished, I said goodbye to my family and started my commute to work at 7:30.  While driving I listened to a Podcast

When I arrived at the office, I checked 15 overnight security alerts.

Then I checked logs and assessed network traffic to identify any suspicious patterns or anomalies.

Around 10, it was time for a quick break. I joined my colleagues in the breakroom, where we talked about last night’s basketball game and our weekend plans.

After the break, I returned to my desk and focused on conducting penetration tests.

Lunchtime rolled around, and I headed to the office cafeteria with my colleagues. 

We chatted about Mr. Robot, The Boys and other Amazon Prime Video shows

In the afternoon, I participated in a team meeting where we discussed the updates for the company firewall.

At 5, I shut down my computer and started my commute back home.

During my commute home, I listened to an audio-book. 

When I got home, I had pasta for dinner then I played Minecraft and Roblox with my kids. We had so much fun.I checked social media, responded to text messages from friends, then I went to bed.

Post -Task (10 Mins)


Review the pronunciation or vocabulary


  1. Make Groups of three
  2. Open this Pronunciation Presentation and figure out what the verbs are.

Writing Task (30 Mins)


Write the information requested by the professor

  1. _____________________
  2. _____________________
  3. _____________________
  4. _____________________
  5. _____________________

Additional Resources


There are some additional resources you might want to check out

Can the /t/ sound be dropped?

Rachael from Rachael’s English in one her American Accent Training Videos explains that sometimes English native speakers dropped the “t” sound when the sounds is found between two consonants.

These are examples in which the /T/ is sometimes dropped to sound natural:

  • I pushed the button.
  • I missed the boat.

In this type of sentences, the /t/ is connected with the following vowel sound:

  • I pushed a kid.
  • I missed it.

If you choose to drop /t/ sound, make sure the context can provide clues to the listener.

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English