
30 Preguntas y Oraciones con Whose en Inglés: Guía y Ejemplos

Publicado el 26 de December de 2021 | Actualizado el 16 de June de 2024

Whose es una palabra algo común, pero no tan popular como otras wh-questions or pronombres relativos en Inglés

Whose es usado para preguntar a quién pertenece algo o con quién está conectado alguien o algo

#1Whose umbrella do you take?
#2Whose house do they live in?
#3Whose letter do you type?
#4Whose parent do they meet?

Whose también es usado para agregar información sobre una persona o cosa que acabo de mencionar.

Veamos más detalles y ejemplos a continuación sobre las oraciones y preguntas con who

Ejemplos de Oraciones con Whose

Estas son algunas oraciones con whose

  • This is the book whose title I couldn’t remember.
  • She isn’t sure whose car that is
  • That woman, whose father won the lottery, is my teacher
  • The man, whose dog is white, is my uncle
  • The number of questions whose status is “wrong 
  • They had a young man whose leg had been cut off by a train.

Preguntas con Whose

Estas son algunas preguntas con whose:

  • Whose birthday is it today?
  • Whose are these gloves?
  • Whose book is this?
  • Whose camera is this?
  • Whose dog is barking outside?
  • Whose cell phone is ringing?
  • Whose pen is this?
  • Whose car is this?
  • Whose song is this?
  • Whose house is it?
  • Whose shoes are these?
  • Whose coat is that one?
  • Whose fault was it?
  • Whose money was lost?
  • Whose money is it?
  • Whose dog bit you?
  • Whose bag is this?
  • Whose car was stolen?
  • Whose house was demolished?
  • Whose car have you seen here?
  • Whose house is near the sea?
  • Whose book is on the table?
  • Whose hat is in the box?
  • Whose coat is under my seat?
  • Whose book is on the table?
  • Whose book is this?
  • Whose car is parked in front of the house?
  • Whose alarm is ringing?
  • Whose turn is it to do the dishes?
  • Whose idea was it to go on a picnic?

Ejemplos de Preguntas con Whose y sus Respuestas

Estos son ejemplos de preguntas y respuestas con whose en Inglés y Español

  • Whose key are these?
  • They are mine
  • Whose phone is that?
  • That cellphone is mine. I left it over the table though
  • Whose computer is this?
  • The computer is mine but it doesn’t work
  • Whose book is that?
  • That book is mine
  • Whose car is that?
  • That car is mine
  • Whose house is bigger?
  • Mine is bigger

Conversación en Inglés

Este es un pequeño diálogo en Inglés que tiene oraciones y preguntas con whose

SamanthaWhose birthday is it today?
SharonIt is Frank’s birthday
SamanthaOh my gosh, I didn’t buy him anything
SharonThe birthday starts within an hour, he isn’t here yet
SamanthaCan you drive me to the mall?

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

Soy Manuel Campos, Profesor de Inglés y creador de EnglishPost.org, un blog para compartir lecciones para quienes desean aprender o mejorar su Inglés