
30 Preguntas y Oraciones con How Long

Publicado el 9 de diciembre de 2021 | Actualizado el 7 de abril de 2024

En esta publicación encontrarás todo lo que necesitas saber sobre las oraciones con long

How long es una pregunta que significa por cuánto tiempo.

  • How long will you stay here? = ¿Cuánto tiempo vas a quedarte acá ?
  • How long have you been studying English? = ¿Cuánto tiempo llevas estudiando Inglés?

Ahora veamos todo los que necesitas saber para que puedas hacer oraciones con how long correctamente.

Oraciones con How Long

Estas son algunas oraciones que podemos hacer con how long

  • I don’t remember for how long I have been studying English
  • I don’t remember how long the wedding dress was
  • I don’t remember how long she has lived in this country
  • I don’t know for how long I have been teaching English
  • I don’t know how long she wanted her hair to be
  • I don’t know how long she has smoked
  • I am not really sure how long I will stay here
  • I am not sure how long she has worked there
  • I can’t remember for how long I have known this guy
  • I can’t remember how long we have been friends

Preguntas con How Long: Presente Perfecto

Estas son preguntas How Long y el Presente Perfecto y el presente perfecto progresivo

  • How long have you been studying English?
  • I have been studying English since 2001
  • How long have you been teaching English?
  • I have been teaching English since 2011
  • How long have you been working for the university?
  • I have been working in the university since 2017
  • How long have you been working out?
  • I have been working out since we finish high school
  • How long have you been married?
  • I have been married for 10 years

Preguntas con How Long y el Presente Simple

Estas son preguntas con how long y el presente simple

  • How long do you have to be here?
  • How long do we have to wait for the money?
  • How long does it take to get to Houston?

Estas son preguntas con how long y sus posibles respuestas

  • How long does it take to get to Houston?
  • It takes about two hours
  • How long do we have to wait for the money?
  • You have to wait until Friday afternoon
  • How long do you have to be here?
  • I have to be here for 2 or 3 hours

Preguntas con How Long Ago

Estas son algunas preguntas con How Long Ago

  1. How long ago did you arrive? = ¿Hace cuanto llegaste?
  2. How long ago did you buy that car? =¿Hace cuanto compraste ese carro?
  3. How long ago did you get married? = ¿Hace cuanto te casaste?
  4. How long ago have you been working? = ¿Desde hace cuánto has estado trabajando?
  5. How long ago did you travel to Canada? = ¿Hace cuanto viajaste a Canadá?

Estas son algunas preguntas y respuestas con How Long

  • How long ago did you get here?
  • I arrived at 12
  • How long ago did you buy a car?
  • I bought this car two years ago
  • How long ago did you travel to Canada?
  • I traveled to Canada like three years ago
  • How long ago did you get married?
  • I got married like 25 years ago

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

Soy Manuel Campos, Profesor de Inglés y creador de EnglishPost.org, un blog para compartir lecciones para quienes desean aprender o mejorar su Inglés