
50 Oraciones con Want to y Wanted to en Inglés

Publicado el 21 de mayo de 2022 | Actualizado el 16 de junio de 2024

Hoy vamos a aprender a cómo hacer oraciones con want to, uno de los verbos más comunes en Inglés.

Want significa querer, pero no debes de confundirlo con querer de amar

Estas son algunas oraciones con el verbo want to:

  • I want to play with you
  • I want to make more money
  • She wants to watch a soccer game
  • They want to study more
  • I don’t want to watch TV
  • She doesn’t want to travel anymore
  • They don’t want to study French
  • We didn’t want to take any chances

Ahora revisemos todas las oraciones que podemos realizar con want to y las consideraciones que debes tomar

Oraciones con Want to y Wanna

En Inglés podemos sustituir las oraciones con want to con la palabra wanna

Estas son algunas oraciones con wanna

Want toI want to run 10 KM
WannaI wanna run 10 KM
Want toShe wants to eat Pizza
WannaShe wanna eat Pizza
Want toYou want to swim
WannaYou wanna swim

Estos son ejemplos de oraciones con wanna

  • I wanna go to the river
  • She wanna meet new people
  • He wanna draw something beautiful
  • It wanna eat something
  • We wanna say goodbye
  • We wanna collect more cards
  • They wanna eat ice cream
  • They wanna camp near the beach

Verbo want en Presente Simple

Esta es la conjugación del verbo want con el present simple

I want Yo quiero
You want Usted quiere
She wantsElla quiere
He wantsÉl quiere
It wantsEso quiere
They want Ellos quieren
We want Nosotros queremos

Oraciones Afirmativas con Want to

Estas son oraciones afirmativas con want to

  • I want to play soccer
  • I want to watch more horror movies
  • She wants to meet me
  • She wants to start another major
  • He wants to take a nap
  • He wants to bet on his favorite team
  • It wants to sleep
  • It wants to eat
  • We want to listen to music
  • We want to throw a party
  • They want to make a cake
  • They want to order another pizza

Oraciones Negativas con Want

Estas son oraciones negativas con want con el presente simple

  • I don’t want to do that
  • She doesn’t want to play tennis
  • He doesn’t want to go there
  • We don’t want to make friend
  • They don’t want to start another blog

Estas son oraciones negativas en el pasado simple

  • I didn’t want to make another investment
  • She didn’t want to pray
  • He didn’t want to go to church
  • They didn’t want to close the deal
  • We didn’t want to study English

Preguntas Cerradas con Want to

Estas son algunas preguntas con Want to

  • Do I really want to buy a new car?
  • Do I really want to have a new dog?
  • Do you want to play video games?
  • Do you want to watch a horror movie?
  • Does she want to talk to me?
  • Does she want to go home?
  • Does he want to get a new job?
  • Does he want to rent a new apartment?
  • Do they want to play the piano?
  • Do they want to study French?
  • Do we really want to go to the beach?
  • Do we really want to start a new blog?

Preguntas y Respuestas con Want to

Estas son algunas preguntas y respuestas con Want to

  • Do you want to go running?
  • Sorry, I am busy
  • Do you want to eat ice cream?
  • I would love to
  • Do you want a birthday party?
  • Of course dad
  • Do you want to visit grandma?
  • Of course mom
  • Do you want to watch the umbrella Academy?
  • Yeah, let’s do that
  • Does she want to speak with me?
  • Sorry bro, I think she hates you

Oraciones con Want to: Invitaciones

Con el verb want se pueden hacer invitaciones, estas son algunas de ellas.

  1. Do you want to come to the beach with us?
  2. Do you want to come to the dance with me?
  3. Do you want to go to the beach tomorrow?
  4. Do you want to run with me and the other boys?
  5. Do you want to play soccer with us?
  6. Do you want to go to the movies?
  7. Do you want to go and grab a beer with us?
  8. Do you want to visit the museum with me and my family?
  9. Do you want to go to Tamarindo Beach?
  10. Do you want to watch a Netflix show?

Preguntas Comunes sobre el Verbo Want

Estas son algunas preguntas comunes sobre el verbo want

¿Cual es el pasado del verbo Want?

El pasado del verbo want es wanted y se usa para hacer oraciones con el pasado simple

  • I wanted to play video games with you
  • She wanted to marry me
  • We wanted to start a business

¿Cual es el Pasado Participio del Verbo want?

Debido a que want es un verbo regular, el pasado participio de want es wanted.

Usamos el pasado participio en Inglés con los tiempos verbales perfectos y la voz pasiva

  • These people are wanted by the police
  • I had wanted that before it was taken

Estas son algunas preguntas comunes sobre el verbo want

La Pronunciación de la Palabra Want

La pronunciación de la palabra want no es tan complicada pero puedes escucharla en este video

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

Soy Manuel Campos, Profesor de Inglés y creador de EnglishPost.org, un blog para compartir lecciones para quienes desean aprender o mejorar su Inglés