
Lesson: Requests in English

Published on July 14, 2024 | Updated on July 19, 2024

During this lesson, you will learn how to make requests in English using modal verbs such as:


Examples of requests in English are:

#1Can you fix my old computer?
#2Could you do me a favor?
#3Would you fix my old computer?
#4Would you mind checking the server?
#5Will you design the footer?

We also focus on accepting and apologizing such requests:

  • Would you fix my old computer?
  • Sure, just let me finish this first
  • Would you fix my old computer?
  • Sorry, I am incredibly busy right now

Let’s get started

Structures to Make Request in English

The structure to make requests with could, can, would, will and would you mind is

Modal VerbCould
Complementmy computer
Question Mark?

These are some examples of sentences with could

  1. Could you give me a hand?
  2. Could you help me with this problem?
  3. Could you make some copies for me please?

These are some examples of questions with can:

  1. Can I have the menu?
  2. Can you pass me the newspaper?
  3. Can you buy the ticket for me?

There are some examples of questions with will

  1. Will you carry this for me?
  2. Will you drive me to the airport?
  3. Will you take my daughter home?

These are some examples of requests with would

  1. Would you like to help me please?
  2. Would you like to buy some groceries for me?
  3. Would you be kind enough to repair my computer?

These are some example of requests with would you mind

  1. Would you mind closing the door?
  2. Would you mind paying for my lunch?
  3. Would you mind driving me home?

Schema: Unscramble Words


Change the position of the words to create a request in English

You can see this requests in English exercise by clicking the following link: Wordwall Exercise

Pre-Task: Matching


Read the questions and sentences and match them by writing the number

#1Can you lend me $10?
#2Could you install windows on my computer?
#3Could you download all the files?
#4Will you change the color of the menu and sidebar?
#5Could you fix the mega menu?
#6Could you call the software company?
#7Would you mind using Zoom for the meeting?
#8Can you tell me where the copy machine is?
#9Will you buy this book for me online, please?
#10Can you come and clean the offices?

Pre-Task: Reject and Accept Requests


Categorize the ways to accept and decline requests



Write and answer requests and invitations

There are two different tasks for beginners and advanced students



  • Go to this Padlet
  • Write five separate requests
  • Reject five different requests
Advanced Students


  1. Go to this Padlet.
  2. Write three separate requests related to an IT Topic.
  3. Topics are (1) Security & Privacy (2) Virtualization (3) Database Management (4) Server Management (5) coding (6) Web Design.
  4. Then answer three questions related to a topic different than yours by recording an audio using Vocaroo.

Main Task: Making Requests


Follow the instruction to create your own requests in English

  1. Check what every word means.
  2. Make pairs
  3. Figure out the pronunciation of every word.
  4. Choose one of the topics (1) Security & Privacy (2) Virtualization (3) Database Management (4) Server Management (5) coding (6) Web Design.
  5. Use “can”, “could”, “would”, “would you mind” and “will” to make the requests.
  6. Request must be long: “Will you migrate my website to Cloudways?”
  7. Ask questions to your partner and respond to his or her requests.


Writing Task#6A

Write what the teacher requests

  1. _______________________
  2. _______________________
  3. _______________________
  4. _______________________
  5. _______________________

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English