
Entrevista de Trabajo en Inglés: Preguntas y Respuestas

Publicado el 2 de enero de 2022 | Actualizado el 19 de junio de 2024

Una entrevista de trabajo en Inglés consiste de una conversación entre una persona que busca empleo y un representante de una empresa.

El propósito de una entrevista es determinar si el entrevista debe ser contratado

Las entrevistas usualmente incluyen información sobre:

  1. Estudios realizados (Educational Background)
  2. Información del trabajo actual (Current Job)
  3. Habilidades (Abilities)
  4. Expectativas Laborales ( Expectations)

Revisemos todo lo que necesitas saber sobre una entrevista en Inglés incluyendo las más comunes preguntas a responder durante ellas

Tips para una Entrevista en Inglés

Estos son algunos tips para una entrevista en Inglés:

  • Anticipar las posibles preguntas que un entrevistador podría hacer.
  • Practicar las respuestas a cualquier preguntas que puedas anticipar.
  • Ver y escuchar entrevistas en Inglés

Videos sobre una Entrevista de Trabajo en Inglés

Estos son algunos videos sobre entrevista de trabajos en Inglés, puedes usar Closed Captions si es necesario

El primer video fue creado por Oxford English Online

Estos son una serie de videos creados por Rachael de Rachael’s English:

Preguntas de una Entrevista de Trabajo en Inglés

Estas son las preguntas más comunes en una entrevista de trabajo en Inglés

  • How would you describe yourself as a person?
    • I consider myself a hardworking and friendly guy
  • What type of position are you looking for?
    • I am applying for the assistant position
  • Are you interested in a full-time or part-time position?
    • I am interested in the part-time position
  • Can you tell me about your responsibilities at your last job?
    • My responsibilities included creating reports and making sales calls
  • What Can You Contribute to the Company?
    • I can increase the sales and productivity with my expertise
  • Can you tell me a little about yourself?
    • I am a teacher with 10 years of experience in university education.
  • Tell me about yourself
    • I am currently working for a software company in Florida
  • How did you hear about the position?
    • A friend of mine told you were looking for a professor
  • What type of work environment do you prefer?
    • I like working in classroom fit for teaching
  • What are you looking for in a new position?
    • I am looking for an opportunity to teach what I know
  • What do you know about the company?
    • I think the company is focused on results
  • What do you know about our organization? 
    • The organization provides top best education in Costa Rica
  • Why do you want this job?
    • I want this job because this place is a nice place to work
  • Why were you fired?
    • I was fired because I was sick for a couple of weeks
  • Why should we hire you?
    • You should hire because I have a lot of experience
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
    • I see myself happy doing what I love
  • How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?
    • I don’t really like to work under pressure but I handle situations well
  • Why are you leaving your current job?
    • I am leaving that job because I want to grow professionally
  • Why did you leave your previous job?
    • I left that job because there were no opportunities for growth
  • What motivates you most at work?
    • Being valued as a professional is my motivation
  • Do You Prefer to Work Independently or On a Team?
    • I prefer to work independently
  • What are your salary requirements?
    • My salary expectation is $2000 a month
  • What’s your salary expectation?
    • I would like to have the minimum salary and an extra salary based on performance
  • Do you have any questions for us?
    • What benefits do you offer in your company?
  • What’s your biggest strength?
    • I am a very creative person and I am good at sales
  • Can you list your strengths?
    • I am open to learning new things and I like technology
  • What weaknesses do you have?
    • I don’t have leadership skills
  • Why have you been unemployed for such a long time?
    • Because I was working on personal projects
  • Why do you think you would do well at this job?
    • Because I adapt to new situations
  • When can you begin?
    • I can begin right now
  • When can you start?
    • I can start whenever you want

Beneficios Mencionados en una Entrevista de Trabajo en Inglés

Estos son algunos beneficios mencionados en entrevista de trabajo en Inglés

Work BreaksBreaks provided for rest.
Meal BreaksBreaks provided to eat a meal.
Vacation leave  Time for vacations every year.
Severance Pay Money given to you given to employees upon termination of employment.
Pay RaiseA pay increase based on goals and achievements.
Paid HolidaysExtra payment for having to work on a holiday.
Maternity LeavePaid or unpaid time off from work after the birth.
Paternity LeavePaid or unpaid time off from work after the birth.
Hazard PayExtra compensation for performing dangerous duties.
Compensation timeMoney paid for working overtime.
Retirement BenefitsFunds or pensions when you finish your career
Health InsuranceMedical services offered to employees and their families.
Life InsuranceInsurance that protects your family if you die.
Company carVehicle given to employees who are always on the move.
Flexible ScheduleYou don’t have to work long hours.
Christmas BonusExtra payment given on Christmas
School BonusExtra payment given at the beginning of the year

Diálogo de una Entrevista de Trabajo en Inglés

Este es un diálogo de una entrevista de trabajo en Inglés:

AWelcome to Cloudways, My name is Derek
BI am a Ryan
AWhat position are you interested in?
BI am interested in the customer support position
AWhy do you want to work for us?
BI am looking for professional growth
AWhat was your last job?
BI used to work for Dreamhost
AWhat were your responsibilities in Dreamhost?
BI help clients who were using dedicated servers
AWhy should we hire you?
BI think I already have the experience necessary to do the job
AThank you, you will receive a call from us soon
BThanks for your time, I will be looking forward to it

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

Soy Manuel Campos, Profesor de Inglés y creador de EnglishPost.org, un blog para compartir lecciones para quienes desean aprender o mejorar su Inglés