
Preguntas y Oraciones con Whom en Inglés

Publicado el 2 de August de 2021 | Actualizado el 20 de June de 2024

“Whom” es un pronombre relativo que se usa para referirse a la persona objeto de una acción o a quien se dirige una acción.

Whom Es el equivalente a “a quién” en español

La palabra “whom” es cada vez menos común en Inglés por lo que muchos hablantes nativos de inglés piensan que “whom” suena poco actualizado o extraño.

Es particularmente común que cuando “whom” se combina con preposiciones en Inglés, que la gente prefiera usar “who” como pronombre de objeto.

Para la mayoría de los hablantes nativos de Inglés, los ejemplos a continuación suenan bastante naturales:

  • Who did you come to the party with?
  • I don’t know who he gave the book to.
  • That is the woman who I was talking to.

Y la versión con de esas mismas oraciones con “whom” sean cada vez menos comunes:

  • Whom did you come to the party with?
  • I don’t know to whom he gave the book.
  • That is the woman whom I was talking to.

Revisemos algunos ejemplos de oraciones con este pronombre relativo en Inglés

Oraciones y Preguntas con Whom

Estos son ejemplos de preguntas con whom

  • Whom will you send for?
  • Whom are they firing at?
  • To whom did you give it?
  • To whom was the letter addressed?
  • Whom do you believe?
  • Whom should I talk to?
  • Whom are you going to choose?
  • Whom did the authorities blame for the clash?
  • Whom did she hire for the job?
  • Whom did you kick?
  • Whom should be allowed first?
  • From whom did you receive these flowers?
  • To whom did you give the book?
  • Whom did you choose for our team leader?
  • Whom are you going to invite?
  • Whom did he blame for the accident?
  • Whom did he hire to do the job?
  • To whom should I send the bill for the food?
  • Whom do we play this week, the Bears or the Vikings?
  • With whom did you go to the movies last week? 
  • Whom will you send for?
  • Whom should my dog apologize to?

Oraciones con Whom

Estos son ejemplos de oraciones con whom

  • The couple has three children, two of whom were adopted.
  • This is Sarah, whom you met at my party last week
  • This is my brother , whom you met at our house last month.
  • Do you know someone whom I can talk about global warming.
  • The woman whom I saw at the cinema last week is a dentist.
  • This is my student whom I like a lot.
  • The children, most of whom are clever, succeeded in the exam.
  • Samuel is the man whom I played football with last week.
  • She gave birth in 1970 to a boy whom she named Caleb James.
  • The witnesses whom I interviewed gave conflicting evidence.
  • The cousin whom we met at the family reunion is coming to visit.

Pronunciación de Whom

Si tienes dificultades para pronunciar la palabra “whom”, este video sera de gran ayuda.

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

Soy Manuel Campos, Profesor de Inglés y creador de EnglishPost.org, un blog para compartir lecciones para quienes desean aprender o mejorar su Inglés