
Oraciones con Good, Better y Best en Inglés

Publicado el 3 de julio de 2021 | Actualizado el 16 de junio de 2024

En esta publicación encontrarás todo lo que debes saber para hacer oraciones con good, better y best.

Good, better y best son como una familia ya que good es un adjetivo mientras que better y best son la forma comparativa y superlativa de good respectivamente

She is good at soccerElla es buena en el fútbol
She is better than you at soccerElla es mejor que tu en el fútbol
She is the best soccer playerElla es la mejor jugadora

Continua leyendo para que puedas hacer oraciones con good, better y best correctamente

Oraciones con Good

Estos son ejemplos de oraciones con good

  • I am really good at Call of Duty
  • She is really good at soccer
  • We are good at Math
  • They are good at French
  • It feels so good to be home.
  • You have a good family.
  • He was a good husband and father.
  • These are good suggestions!
  • Carmen is a good wife.
  • You’ve been a very good girl.
  • These will be good ventures.

Oraciones con Better

Estos son ejemplos que incluyen oraciones comparativas en Inglés con better

  • I am better that you
  • I cook better than you
  • She knows this place better than you do
  • He looks much better now.
  •  I have nothing better to do.
  • I feel much better now.
  • I’d better go now.
  • Something is better than nothing.
  • You’ll soon be better.
  • I can do better than that.

Oraciones con Best

Estos son ejemplos que incluyen oraciones superlativas en Inglés con best

  • She is the best soccer player in this town
  • This is the best podcast in Latin America
  • That was the best day of my life.
  • You’re the best man for the job.
  • What’s the best way to travel?
  • I’ll do the best I can
  • They weren’t exactly best of friends
  • I want my best friend back, too.
  • She is the best investor in Houston!
  • I am doing my best.
  • This is the best time to buy a house
  • Moving to Andorra will be best for everyone.
  • That was the best birthday ever.

Preguntas con Good, Better y Best

Estas son algunas preguntas con good, better y best con sus respectivas respuestas

  •  What subject do you like best?
  • Not sure, I like Science classes
  • When is the best time to feed your dog?
  • Not sure, I usually feed my dog during the mornings and afternoons
  • Which do you like better, white wine or red wine?
  • I prefer red wine
  • What’s the best way to travel?
  • Traveling by Train is fun
  • Do you feel good?
  • I feel a little dizzy
  • Are they good seats?
  • Yes, we can be close to the ring
  • Do you have something better?
  • I have 20 bitcoins since 2012
  • Are you feeling any better?
  • Not so much but at least I can talk
  • Who is the best soccer player?
  • I think the best player is Cristiano Ronaldo

Conversación en Inglés

Este es un pequeño diálogo que tiene oraciones con good, better y best

Willyis that your camera?
WillyI think you have the best camera here
RaulThank you, It is kind of expensive
WillyThat definitely takes better pictures than an Iphone 12
RaulAbsolutely, wanna to take a few pictures with it?
RaulTake a picture of that tree and the sunset

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

Soy Manuel Campos, Profesor de Inglés y creador de EnglishPost.org, un blog para compartir lecciones para quienes desean aprender o mejorar su Inglés