
Oraciones con Find: Guía y Ejemplos

Publicado el 3 de December de 2023 | Actualizado el 19 de November de 2024

En está publicación encontrarás todo lo que necesitas saber para hacer oraciones con el verbo “find”

El verbo “find” significa “encontrar” y también puede significar “descubrimiento” en algunos contextos.

ENI need to find my wallet
ESNecesito encontrar mi billetera
ENThat’s nice find
ESExcelente Descubrimiento

Continua leyendo para aprender muchos vocabulario, frases, phrasal verbs y collocations con el verbo “find”

La Conjugación del Verbo “Find”

Esta es la conjugación del verbo find con los tiempos verbales simples

Presente SimpleI find
Pasado SimpleI found
Futuro SimpleI will find

Esta es la conjugación del verbo find con los tiempos verbales continuous:

Presente ContinuoI am finding
Pasado ContinuoI was finding
Futuro continuoI will be finding

Esta es la conjugación del verbo find con los tiempos perfectos

Presente PerfectoI have found
Pasado PerfectoI had found
Futuro PerfectoI will have found

Esta es la conjugación del verbo find con los tiempos perfectos progresivos

Presente Perfecto ProgresivoI have been finding
Pasado Perfecto ProgresivoI had been finding
Futuro Perfecto ProgresivoI will have been finding

Oraciones con Find

Estas son oraciones con el verbo “find” con una gran variedad de tiempos verbales en Inglés

English: She can find her keys easily.
Spanish: Ella puede encontrar sus llaves fácilmente.

English: We will find a solution to the problem.
Spanish: Encontraremos una solución al problema.

English: He found a new job in the city.
Spanish: Él encontró un nuevo trabajo en la ciudad.

English: Have you ever found a four-leaf clover?
Spanish: ¿Alguna vez has encontrado un trébol de cuatro hojas?

English: The detective found the missing person.
Spanish: El detective encontró a la persona desaparecida.

English: I hope you find happiness in your new job
Spanish: Espero que encuentres la felicidad en tu nuevo trabajo.

English: They found a hidden treasure in the old castle.
Spanish: Encontraron un tesoro escondido en el viejo castillo.

English: She was able to find the information online.
Spanish: Pudo encontrar la información en línea.

English: The scientist found a cure for the disease.
Spanish: El científico encontró una cura para la enfermedad.

English: Can you help me find my glasses?
Spanish: ¿Puedes ayudarme a encontrar mis lentes?

Find con Adjetivos

El verbo “find” se utiliza para transmitir la idea de descubrir, experimentar o percibir algo. Cuando se combina con adjetivos como “useful” (útil) o “exhausting” (agotador), “hard” , (duro)

  • Many people find learning a language intellectually stimulating.
  • Some students may find advanced math problems challenging.
  • Many people find gardening enjoyable.
  • I find these math problems very difficult.
  • You will find this place fascinating.
  • I found those philosophical discussions enlightening.
  • I find this job monotonous

Collocations con el Verbo ‘Find’

Estas son algunas collocations con el verbo “find” con su respectivo ejemplo:

  1. Find a solution: We need to find a solution to this problem.
  2. Find an answer: Have you been able to find an answer to the question?
  3. Find the right balance: Let’s find the right balance between work and leisure.
  4. Find a way: We’ll find a way to make it work.
  5. Find fault: Some people always find fault with others.
  6. Find success: Hard work is often necessary to find success.
  7. Find a job: It can be challenging to find a good job in this economy.
  8. Find time: I need to find time to finish my project.
  9. Find evidence: Investigators are working to find evidence in the case.
  10. Find common ground: It’s important to find common ground in discussions.
  11. Find inspiration: Artists often travel to find inspiration for their work.
  12. Find a cure: Scientists are working hard to find a cure for the disease.

Alternativas al Verbo Find

Estas son algunos verbos que pueden servir como alternativa al verbo find


  • Scientists aim to discover new ways to combat diseases.
  • I discovered a hidden message in the old book.


  • Can you help me locate the nearest gas station?
  • The rescue team located the missing hikers in the mountains.


  • It’s important to identify the source of the problem.
  • She identified the man as her former classmate.


  • They are trying to determine the cause of the power outage.
  • You need to determine the best course of action.


  • During the trip, we encountered a rare bird species.
  • She encountered some difficulties while completing the project.

Come across:

  • I came across an old photo of us while cleaning my room.
  • You might come across some interesting facts in that article.

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

Soy Manuel Campos, Profesor de Inglés y creador de EnglishPost.org, un blog para compartir lecciones para quienes desean aprender o mejorar su Inglés