
50 Grammar Lessons for the TOEIC

Published on March 14, 2020 | Updated on March 30, 2024

The TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) is a standardized English test oriented towards professionals and companies.

The TOEIC is actually two separate tests, one which tests the receptive English skills (reading and listening) and one which tests the productive English skills (speaking and writing).

Students can choose to take both TOEIC tests, or just one of the two, depending on their needs.

The structure of each of the two tests is unique and the scoring is also different.

There are a variety of TOEIC preparation methods available, from self-study to courses and practice tests.

Table of Contents

CEFR Grammar: A1 Grammar Topics

These are topics you need to study at A1 level.

Adjectives: common and demonstrative
Adverbs of frequency
Comparatives and superlatives
Going to
How much/how many and very
common uncountable nouns
I’d like
Imperatives (+/-)
Intensifiers – very basic
Modals: can/can’t/could/couldn’t
Past simple of “to be”
Past Simple
Possessive adjectives
Possessive s
Prepositions, common
Prepositions of place
Prepositions of time, including in/on/at
Present continuous
Present simple
Pronouns: simple, personal
There is/are
To be, including question+negatives
Verb + ing: like/hate/love

CEFR Grammar: A2 Grammar Topics

These are topics you need to study to pass an exam at A2 level

Adjectives – comparative, – use of than and definite article
Adjectives – superlative – use of definite article
Adverbial phrases of time, place and frequency – including word order
Adverbs of frequency
Articles – with countable and uncountable nouns
Countables and Uncountables: much/many
Going to
Modals – can/could
Modals – have to
Modals – should
Past continuous
Past simple
Phrasal verbs – common
Possessives – use of ‘s, s’
Prepositional phrases (place, time and movement)
Prepositions of time: on/in/at
Present continuous
Present continuous for future
Present perfect
How Questions
Verb + ing/infinitive: like/
want-would like
Wh-questions in past
Will / won’t
Zero and 1st conditional

B1 Grammar topics

These are topics you need to study to pass an exam at B1 level, such as Cambridge English Preliminary:

Both, either, neither
Broader range of intensifiers; So, such, too, enough
Comparatives and superlatives
Question tags
Conditionals, 2nd and 3rd
Connecting words expressingcause and effect, contrast etc.
Embedded questions
Future continuous
Modals – must/can’t deduction
Modals – might, may, will, probably
Modals – should have/might have/etc
Modals: must/have to
Past continuous
Past perfect
Past simple
Past tense responses
Phrasal verbs, extended
Prepositions of place
Present perfect continuous
Present perfect/past simple
Reported speech (range of tenses)
Simple passive
Wh- questions in the past
Will and going to, for prediction

B2 Grammar topics

These are topics you need to study to pass an exam at B2 level

Adjectives and adverbs
Future continuous
Future perfect
Future perfect continuous
Mixed conditionals
Modals – can’t have, needn’t have
Modals of deduction and speculation
Narrative tenses
Past perfect
Past perfect continuous
Phrasal verbs, extended
Relative clauses
Reported speech
Will and going to, for prediction
Would expressing habits, in the past
Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English