
Oraciones con Afraid en Inglés: Guía y Ejemplos

Publicado el 10 de mayo de 2022 | Actualizado el 20 de junio de 2024

En esta publicación podrás encontrar todo lo que debes saber para hacer oraciones con Afraid.

Afraid significa “miedoso” por lo tanto y se usa con el verbo to be para hablar sobre aquellas cosas que nos aterran.

Estos son ejemplos de oraciones con Afraid

  • I am afraid of the dark.
  • He was afraid to speak in public.
  • She was afraid to take risks.
  • He is afraid of losing his job.
  • I was afraid of the consequences.

ahora veamos mas ejemplos de oraciones para que puedas hacer las propias correctamente

Conjugación de Afraid

Esta es la conjugación del verbo to be con el adjetivo “afraid”

I am afraidEstoy asustado
She is afraidElla esta asustada
He is afraidEl esta asustado
You are afraidUsted está asustado
We are AfraidEstamos asustados
They are afraidEllos están asustados

También podemos usar afraid con el verbo to be en pasado

I was afraidEstaba asustado
She was afraidElla estaba asustada
He was afraidEl estaba asustado
You were afraidUsted estaba asustado
We were afraidEstábamos asustados
They were afraidEllos estaban asustados

Oraciones con Afraid: Presente

Estas son algunas oraciones con afraid of en presente

  • I am afraid of spiders
  • I am always afraid when I’m with him.
  • He is afraid of you
  • He is afraid of dogs
  • He is not afraid of changes in temperature and humidity.
  • She is afraid of snakes
  • She’s afraid to tell you.
  • She is afraid to tell her father.
  • It’s okay to be afraid.
  • It’s not okay to be afraid of your own shadow
  • You’re afraid of wildlife.
  • You’re so afraid of the storms.
  • You’re afraid of commitment.
  • You don’t have to be afraid of the cheetahs.
  • You don’t have to be afraid of me or him.
  • We are afraid of ghosts
  • They are afraid of black cats

Oraciones con Afraid: Pasado

Estas son algunas oraciones con afraid en pasado

  • I was afraid to come in.
  • I was so afraid I would lose you.
  • I was afraid of that.
  • He was not afraid of anything.
  • She was afraid to speak.
  • Some say that she was afraid to leave
  • You were afraid of losing your money
  • You were afraid of taking risks and losing everything
  • We were scared of the dark forest.
  • We were scared of the consequences

Oraciones con Afraid: Modales en Inglés

Estas son algunas oraciones en Inglés con verbos modales en Inglés

  • I shouldn’t be afraid of you
  • You should be afraid
  • I can’t be afraid
  • I wouldn’t be afraid if I were you
  • He couldn’t be afraid of you

Preguntas con Afraid

Estas son algunas preguntas con afraid en pasado y presente

  • Are you afraid of me, Lisa?
  • I am
  • Are you afraid to play with me?
  • Of course not, I am way better than you
  • Why should she be afraid of me?
  • Because you are jealous
  • Am I afraid of people?
  • I am just another introvert
  • Are you afraid of ghosts and spirits of all kinds?
  • No, I don’t, I don’t believe in the supernatural
  • Why are you so afraid to talk about your feelings?
  • I don’t know, that’s why I am trying to find out
  • Why is he afraid to return to his own family?
  • Because his family doesn’t support him

Recordatorio: Don’t be Afraid of

Esta es una frase de Coco, una popular película, en la que uno de los personajes dice dos oraciones con afraid:

  • “Don’t be afraid of losing people”
  • “Be afraid of losing yourself by trying to please everyone”

Este ejemplo nos ayuda a recordar que si queremos usar el verbo afraid seguido de un verbo, debes

  • Usar la preposición “of”
  • El verbo debe estar en su forma continua
Afraid of: Don't be Afraid of Losing People

Alternativas al Verbo Afraid

Si deseas usar algunas alternativas para afraid, debes analizar estas oraciones

  1. I was apprehensive about tomorrow’s meeting
  2. He was petrified of heights.
  3. She was timid to try new things.
  4. They were nervous about their presentation.
  5. We were scared of the dark forest.
  6. He was panicking about his upcoming exam.
  7. I was uncertain about the outcome.
  8. She was hesitant to jump off the diving board.
  9. They were uneasy about the situation.
  10. We were trembling with fear.

Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

Soy Manuel Campos, Profesor de Inglés y creador de EnglishPost.org, un blog para compartir lecciones para quienes desean aprender o mejorar su Inglés