En esta publicación vas a encontrar todo lo que necesitas saber para poder crear preguntas y oraciones con was y were.
Si entiendes cada una de los temas presentados en esta publicación, podrás realizar oraciones y preguntas tales como:
#1 | I was at home |
#2 | She was really happy |
#3 | We were in the stadium |
#4 | They were at the airport |
#5 | They were waiting at the airport |
#6 | Where were you? |
#7 | What were you doing? |
Ahora veamos cada una de los subtemas que nos ayudarán a entender como hacer preguntas y oraciones con was y were.
Table of Contents
- ¿Cuando Usar Was y Were?
- Oraciones Afirmativas con Was y Were
- Oraciones Negativas con Was y Were
- Oraciones Interrogativas con Was y Were
- Oraciones Interrogativas con Wh
- Preguntas y Respuestas con Was y Were
- Conversación Corta
- Pronunciación de Was y Were
¿Cuando Usar Was y Were?
Was y were son las formas pasadas del verbo to be y solo debemos un pequeño detalle a la hora de usar ambas palabras.
La palabra was se usa con pronombres y sujetos singulares mientras que la palabra were se usa con los sujetos y pronombres plurales.
Se escribe was con los pronombres personales I, He, She, It:
- I was (Yo era o Yo estaba)
- He was (Él era o Él estaba)
- She was (Ella era o Ella estaba)
- It was (Eso era o Eso estaba)
Se escribe were con los pronombres personales We, You,They:
- You were (Tú eras o Tú estabas)
- We were (Nosotros éramos o Nosotros estábamos)
- You were (Ustedes eran o Ustedes estaban)
- They were (Ellos eran o Ellos estaban)
También usamos was y were para hacer oraciones con el pasado continuo en Inglés
- I was watching a movie
- You were watching a movie
- He was watching a movie
- She was watching a movie
- They were watching a movie
- We were watching a movie
Oraciones Afirmativas con Was y Were
Como es en el caso de todos los tiempos verbales, podemos hacer oraciones afirmativas con was y were.
La estructura gramatical para realizar esas oraciones es la siguiente:
Sujeto | Was / Were | Complemento |
I | was | at home |
She | was | with you |
We | were | in the hospital |
Estas son algunas oraciones afirmativas con was y were.
- I was a good student = Yo fui un buen estudiante
- She was my girlfriend = Ella era mi novia
- He was my life = El era mi vida
- He was sick = El estaba enfermo
- We were very good friends = Éramos buenos amigos
- They were here = Ellos estaban acá
- They were fired = Ellos fueron despedidos
- They were hired = Ellos fueron contratados
Estas son algunas oraciones con was y were con el pasado continuo
- I was dancing with my girlfriend
- You were making all kinds of mistakes
- She was writing on one of her blogs
- He was sending emails like crazy
- They were listening to music on Spotify
- We were learning English and French
Oraciones Negativas con Was y Were
Si ya sabes realizar oraciones afirmativas, no tendrás problema para crear oraciones con was y were.
Esta es la estructura que te ayudará a crear esas oraciones.
Sujeto | Wasn’t / Weren’t | Complemento |
I | wasn’t | at home |
She | wasn’t | with you |
We | weren’t | in the hospital |
Estas son algunas oraciones con was y were negativas
- She wasn’t happy with you = Ella no era feliz contigo
- She wasn’t sick = Ella no estaba enferma
- I wasn’t that happy = Yo no estaba tan feliz
- They weren’t great this time= Ellos no estuvieron grandiosos
- We weren’t friends: No eramos amigos
Estas son algunas oraciones negativas con was y were usando el pasado continuo
- I wasn’t cooking:
- You weren’t paying attention
- She wasn’t resting well
- He wasn’t playing fair
- They weren’t taking an English course
- We weren’t respecting the rules
Oraciones Interrogativas con Was y Were
Una vez que sabes como hacer oraciones afirmativas y negativas con was y were, ya puedes empezar en realizar oraciones interrogativas.
La estructura para realizar oraciones interrogativas es la siguiente:
Were / was | Sujeto | Complemento +? |
Was | she | home? |
Was | he | sick? |
Were | you | at the airport? |
Were | they | sad? |
Estas son algunas oraciones con was y were interrogativas
- Were you my classmate? = ¿Fuiste mi compañero?
- Were you happy with her? 0 ¿Fuiste feliz con ella?
- Was she pregnant? = ¿Estaba ella embarazado?
Estas son algunas oraciones interrogativas con was y were en forma negativa
- Wasn’t she happy? = ¿No estaba ella feliz?
- Weren’t you at the university? = ¿No estabas en la universidad?
- Weren’t they rich? = ¿No eran ellos ricos?
Oraciones Interrogativas con Wh
Para entender el tema de las oraciones interrogativas con was y were, debes conocer el vocabulario de las preguntas más comunes en Inglés.
What? | Where? |
Why? | How? |
Which? |
La estructura que se sigue para realizar esas oraciones es la siguiente:
Preguntas | Was / Were | Sujeto? | Complemento? |
Where | were | you? | |
Why | were | you | sad? |
Estas son algunas oraciones con was y were interrogativas con wh-questions
- Where were you? = ¿Donde estabas?
- Why was she sad? = ¿Por qué estaba ella triste?
Preguntas y Respuestas con Was y Were
Recuerda que siempre podemos hacer oraciones abiertas y cerradas en Inglés.
Estos son preguntas cerradas y sus respuestas con was y were:
- Was she sad?
- Yes she was
- Were you happy with the decision?
- Yes I was
- Were you at the party?
- No, I wasn’t
- Were you a professor at Harvard?
- No, I wasn’t
Estas son preguntas abiertas y respuestas con was y were:
- Where were you?
- I was in the drugstore
- Why was she sad?
- She was sad because she failed her English test
- Who were you?
- I was the CEO of this big company
- Why can’t you go with us?
- Sorry, I have to do some homework
Conversación Corta
Esta es una conversación corta que usa lo enseñado en esta publicación
Daniela | Hello Eddy |
Eddy | Hi |
Daniela | Were you home last night? |
Eddy | Yes. Why? |
Daniela | What were you doing? |
Eddy | I was trying to finish the project |
Daniela | Michael was trying to call you |
Eddy | Sorry, I had my phone in Airplane mode |
Pronunciación de Was y Were
Si tienes preguntas acerca de la pronunciación de “was” y “were”, estos videos te serán de mucha ayuda.
Esta es la pronunciación de was:
Estas es la pronunciación de were: