Hoy vas a aprender todo lo que necesitas saber sobre las oraciones con la palabra leave.
La palabra “leave” significa “irse o retirarse” pero también puede significar “hoja” en otros contextos.
EN | I am leaving |
ES | Ya me voy |
EN | There are many leaves in the yard |
ES | Hay muchas hojas en el patio. |
Ahora veamos ejemplos de oraciones con leave para que puedas hacer oraciones con este verbo correctamente
Table of Contents
Leave como Permiso o Licencia
Ademas de “irse” o “retirase”, “Leave” puede referirse a un permiso o licencia concedida para ausentarse de un lugar de trabajo o escuela. Por ejemplo:
- “I’m taking a leave of absence next week” (Tomaré una licencia la próxima semana).
- “Employees are entitled to paid maternity leave”(Los empleados tienen derecho a licencia de maternidad remunerada
- “He was granted a medical leave due to his recent surgery.” (Se le concedió una licencia médica debido a su reciente cirugía).
Oraciones con Leave
Estas son algunas oraciones con leave
- Tell your friends they have to leave.
- The bus leaves every fifteen minutes.
- We’re leaving early tomorrow morning.
- I can’t leave work until five o’clock.
- Tom wouldn’t leave without telling us
- I must leave now
- Leave my car alone.
- I’ll leave it up to you.
- Don’t leave it up to chance
- I think it’s time for me to leave.
- I promise you I won’t ever leave you.
- I plan to leave Boston as soon as I can.
Oraciones con Left
La palabra left significa izquierda pero también es el pasado y el participio de la palabra leave.
El pasado se usa para hacer oraciones con el pasado simple mientras que el participio se usa para realizar oraciones con el pasado y presente perfecto.
- I don’t know why she left
- She left because she got angry about this situation
- She left your things at my house
- We have left many things behind
- She left us behind
- She left a box of chocolates and a rose
- He’s already left.
- Who left the window open?
- She has already left the office.
- Someone must have left it there.
- She left her umbrella on the train.
- He left the house without saying goodbye.
La palabra Left es usada tambien para indicar lo que queda de algo:
- I have a couple of hours left before I go
- We only have a little bit of coffee left.
- I spent a lot of money, I only have 20 dollars left.
- We have a few days left before we leave
- There’s a little bit of cake left. Do you want it?
Oraciones Imperativas con Leave
Estas son oraciones imperativas con leave
- Please never leave me = Por favor nunca me dejes
- Don’t you ever leave me = Nunca me dejes
- Leave me alone = Dejame en paz
- Leave the house= Sal de casa, vete de casa
- Leave the team behind = Deja el equipo
- Please leave the door open = Por favor deja la puerta abierta
Preguntas y Respuestas con Leave
Estas son algunas preguntas con leave.
- What time are you leaving?
- I am leaving at 5
- Why are you leaving?
- I am leaving because I am angry
- Can I leave a message for Sue?
- Sure
- Why don’t you leave the kids with me on Friday?
- That sounds like a great idea
- When will you leave?
- I will leave tomorrow
- When are you going to leave?
- I am leaving at 2
- What time is your plane scheduled to leave?
- At 6
- Why are you leaving me?
- Because we have different goals
Conversación con Oraciones con Leave
Esta es una conversación sencilla que incluye oraciones con leave
Jacob | Hello Liza |
Liza | Hello Jacob, Can I have a word with you? |
Jacob | Sure, is there a problem? |
Liza | Well, I think we should break up |
Jacob | What? why are you leaving me? |
Liza | I need to focus on university |
Jacob | I think that we can work it out somehow |
Liza | I have only two weeks left here then I will move to Norway |
Jacob | I understand, I am gonna miss you |
Pronunciation de “Leave”
Esta es la pronunciación de la palabra “leave”