Hoy vamos a aprender a realizar oraciones con but, una de las palabras claves para conectar dos ideas.
But es utilizado para presentar algo nuevo, especialmente algo que es diferente de lo que acaba de decir.
But en las partes del speech se considera una conjunción y una preposición
Estos son algunos ejemplos de oraciones con but:
- I was going to go to the store, but I forgot my wallet.
- I really wanted to go to the concert, but it was sold out.
- I tried to lift the box, but it was too heavy for me.
- I was planning on going for a run, but it started raining.
Ahora veamos ejemplos de oraciones con but para que puedas hacer tus oraciones correctamente.
Table of Contents
Usos de la Palabra But
Estas son algunas oraciones en las cuales but funciona como conjunción:
- The sun was warm, but the water was freezing.
- I was going to buy it, but it was too expensive.
Estas son algunas oraciones en las cuales but funciona como preposición
EN | He’s eaten nothing but candy all day. |
ES | El no ha comido nada más que dulces todo el día. |
EN | Everyone but Andrew knows. |
ES | Todos menos Andrew lo saben. |
Usamos but para conectar dos ideas que contrastan
EN | Me encantan las frutas, pero soy alérgico a las fresas. |
ES | I love fruits but I am allergic to strawberries. |
EN | I like Anderson Silva but It is hard to understand his English |
ES | Me cae bien Anderson Silva, pero es difícil entender su Inglés |
EN | I love you but you are a toxic person |
ES | Te quiero, pero eres una persona tóxica. |
Usamos but como un sinónimo de excepto
- Everyone but Anna has checked in.
- Everybody but me has paid.
- Everybody came to the meeting but Andrea
- Nobody missed a payment but Linda
- All kids delivered the homework but Sasha
Oraciones con But
Estos son ejemplos de oraciones con But
- He looks old, but he is still in his twenties.
- I want to go to the party, but I am so tired
- It’s sad but true
- I like her, but I don’t like her friend
- Tom did nothing but complain
- I studied for the test, but I don’t think I did well
- He had no choice but to run away.
- I’m hungry, but I have nothing to eat.
- He was tired, but he kept working.
- I need to go home, but all of the flights are canceled
- We ordered pink, but we received blue.
- I want to buy a car but don’t have any money.
- I can read German, but I can’t speak it.
- I want to call her, but I don’t have her phone number.
- I can read English, but I can’t speak it.
- I need to finish this project, but I don’t have enough time.
- He said he would write to me, but he hasn’t.
Preguntas con But
Estas son algunas preguntas con la palabra “but”
- Can you help me understand this concept, but in simpler terms?
- Did you enjoy the movie, but were there any parts you didn’t like?
- The restaurant is highly rated, but have you considered its location and pricing?
- What are some effective ways to reduce plastic waste, but also maintain convenience for consumers?
- How can we stimulate economic growth, but also address income inequality within society?
- How can governments prioritize national security, but also safeguard civil liberties and individual rights?
Preguntas Frecuentes
Estas son algunas de las preguntas más comunes que los estudiantes de Inglés tienen acerca de las oraciones con but.
Pronunciación de But
Esta es la pronunciación de but del Canal de YouTube de Diccionario de Collins
Entradas Relacionadas
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- Oraciones con Very: Guía y Ejemplos