
Lesson Plan: Regrets at Work

Published on October 4, 2024 | Updated on December 30, 2024

In this lesson, you will practice expressing things that you regret.

We are going to focus on three structures:

#1I should have / I shouldn’t have …
#2I regret … / I regret not
#3I wish I had / I wish hadn’t

With these example, you are gonna make sentences such as:

#1I should have backed up the server
#2I regret not making a server backup
#3I wish I had made a server backup

Let’s get started

Schema: Bingo (40 Mins)


Words for the bingo

Choose the card based on the number given by the professor


Pre-Task #1: Grammar (25 Mins)


Practice what you know about


  1. Open the Link
  2. Complete the grammar task

Pre-Task #2: Speaking (25 Mins)


Now it is time to test our reading skills a bit


  1. Practice expressing your regrets using the three structures covered in class.

Break(30 Mins)


Now it is time to run around the uni like you were little kids

Main -Task: Dialogue (60 Mins)


Voice your opinions about different matters


  1. Express the regret and explain the consequence of your actions or inaction

Post-Task: Pronunciation (20 Mins)


Let’s practice pronunciation

  1. Install Elsa Speak from the Play Store or App Store
  2. Create a free account.
  3. Watch these two clips and check these two Elsa Speak Lists
YouTubeElsa Speak
3:31 ə (la Schwa)Practice
4:08 ɜ: (la Schwa larga)Practice

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Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English