
Lesson Plan: Talk about Professional Profiles

Published on September 10, 2024 | Updated on December 30, 2024

In this lesson, you will find tasks that will help you speak about your professional profile.

Most sentences used today will be made using:

#1Simple Present
#2Simple Past

Task #0: Get to Know Each Other (40 Mins)


Let’s talk about who we are and what will do during the next 13 weeks

#1Course Chronogram
#3Get to Know you Activity

Task #1: Hangman (20 Mins)


Figure out what the words related to professional profiles are:

Task #2: Unscramble the Sentences (35 Mins)


Unscramble the word to create correct grammatical sentences


  1. Make pairs.
  2. Unscramble the words to make a sentences.
  3. After you finish each sentence, try to think about a question that would generate such question.

For Information Technology Students

For Energy Engineering Students

Task #3: Break (25 Mins)

Task #3A

Take a break, we’ll resume classes at 3

Task #4: Reading (30 Mins)


Read the text and answer the questions


  1. Click the following link: (1) Alex Carter’s Professional Profile (2) Alex Carter’s Professional Profile
  2. Check the vocabulary before the reading.
  3. Read the text and solve the exercise.

Main Task: Talk about Yourself


Since this is our first class, we’ll talk about ourselves

During this task, you will be given three minutes to talk about yourself

  1. Tell me anything about yourself during three minutes.
  2. I will ask you a question based on what you shared with me.

Post-Task: Pronunciation


Let’s practice pronunciation

  1. Install Elsa Speak from the Play Store or App Store
  2. Create a free account.
  3. Watch these two clips and check these two Elsa Speak Lists
YouTubeElsa Speak
1:38 i: (la i larga)Practice
5:12 æ (la a abierta)Practice
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Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

I am Jose Manuel, English professor and creator of EnglishPost.org, a blog whose mission is to share lessons for those who want to learn and improve their English