
Lección 11: Verbo to Be – Afirmaciones – Creencias Religiosas

Publicado el 26 de December de 2024 | Actualizado el 9 de January de 2025

We use the “to be” to speak about our identity, religion is part of the identity of many people around the world.

  • I am a Mormon
  • She is a christian
  • We are Buddhists.


Verb to Be

Complete the sentences by writing the right form of the verb to be (is, am, are)

1. We Christians.

2. They Buddhists.

3. She a Hindu.

4. He an atheist.

5. We Jews.

6. We spiritual but not religious.

7. She an agnostic.

8. You a Quaker.

9. I a Mormon

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Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

Soy Manuel Campos, Profesor de Inglés y creador de EnglishPost.org, un blog para compartir lecciones para quienes desean aprender o mejorar su Inglés