
Curso del Pasado Perfecto Progresivo en Inglés

Publicado el 23 de December de 2024 | Actualizado el 3 de January de 2025

El pasado perfecto progresivo (o pasado perfecto continuo) en inglés se usa para describir acciones que comenzaron en el pasado, continuaron durante un tiempo y finalizaron antes de otro punto en el pasado.

Estructura del Pasado Perfecto Progresivo

Esta es la estructura del pasado perfecto progresivo en Inglés

  • Afirmativa:
    Sujeto + had been + verbo en -ing + complemento.
    Ejemplo: She had been working for hours before the meeting started.
  • Negativa:
    Sujeto + had not (hadn't) been + verbo en -ing + complemento.
    Ejemplo: They had not been sleeping well before the exam.
  • Pregunta:
    Had + sujeto + been + verbo en -ing + complemento?
    Ejemplo: Had you been waiting long before she arrived?

Oraciones con el Pasado Perfecto Progresivo

Estas son algunas oraciones afirmativas con el pasado perfecto progresivo en Inglés

  1. He had been studying English for two years before he moved to London.
  2. We had been walking for hours when it started to rain.
  3. She had been living in Paris before she decided to move back home.
  4. They had been playing soccer all afternoon before dinner.

Estas son algunas oraciones negativas con el pasado perfecto progresivo en Inglés

  1. I had not been working hard enough to pass the test.
  2. They hadn’t been paying attention during the lecture.
  3. She had not been exercising regularly before her health improved.
  4. We hadn’t been preparing for the storm, so we were caught off guard.

Estas son algunas oraciones interrogativas con el pasado perfecto progresivo en Inglés

  1. Had he been waiting long before the train arrived?
  2. Had they been discussing the project before you joined the meeting?
  3. Had she been cooking for hours before the guests arrived?
  4. Had you been practicing enough before the competition?

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