
Lección 03: Futuro simple – Preposiciones

Publicado el 23 de December de 2024 | Actualizado el 7 de January de 2025

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Simple Future

Write with,in,for and about to complete the sentences

1. Will you discuss this your team?

2. Will she participate the workshop ?

3. Will he share the report his manager?

4. Will you go the beach?

5. Will you meet the client tomorrow?

6. Will they respond the email today?

7. Will you invest money the new project?

8. Will you talk your mother about it?

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Manuel Campos

Manuel Campos

Soy Manuel Campos, Profesor de Inglés y creador de EnglishPost.org, un blog para compartir lecciones para quienes desean aprender o mejorar su Inglés